ZOOM Windows SDK
CAudioRawData | The audio raw data handler interface |
CCustomizedLanguageType | The custom resource information used by the SDK. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CIAccessibilitySettingContext | Accessibility setting interface |
CIAccountInfo | Account information interface |
CIAlternativeHostInfo | |
CIAnnotationController | Meeting annotation tool interface |
CIAnswerItem | Answer item interface class |
CIAudioSettingContext | Audio setting interface |
CIAudioSettingContextEvent | Audio setting context callback event |
CIAuthService | Authentication Service Interface |
CIAuthServiceEvent | Authentication service callback event |
CIBOAdmin | |
CIBOAdminEvent | |
CIBOAssistant | |
CIBOAttendee | |
CIBOAttendeeEvent | |
CIBOCreator | |
CIBOData | |
CIBODataEvent | |
CIBOMeeting | |
CIBreakoutRoomsInfo | Meeting breakout rooms information interface |
CICalenderEvent | Calendar information interface |
CICalenderService | Calendar Service Interface |
CICalenderServiceEvent | Calendar Service Callback Event |
CICameraController | |
CICameraControllerEvent | |
CICameraInfo | Camera device information interface |
CIChatMsgInfo | Chat message interface |
CIClosedCaptionController | Closed caption controller interface |
CIClosedCaptionControllerEvent | Closed Caption controller callback event |
CICustomizedAnnotationController | Annotation controller interface |
CICustomizedAnnotationControllerEvent | Annotation controller callback event |
CICustomizedAnnotationObj | Annotation object interface |
CICustomizedAnnotationObjEvent | Annotation object callback event |
CICustomizedLocalRecordingLayoutHelper | |
CICustomizedResourceHelper | Customized resource helper interface |
CICustomizedShareRender | Share render interface |
CICustomizedShareRenderEvent | Share render callback event |
CICustomizedUIMgr | Custom UI manager interface |
CICustomizedUIMgrEvent | The callback event of custom UI manager interface |
CICustomizedVideoContainer | Video container interface |
CICustomizedVideoContainerEvent | Callback event of custom video container |
CIDirectShareServiceHelper | Direct sharing helper Interface |
CIDirectShareServiceHelperEvent | Direct sharing helper callback event |
CIDirectShareViaMeetingIDOrPairingCodeHandler | Direct sharing by meeting ID or pairing code helper interface |
CIEmbeddedBrowser | Embedded Browser Interface |
CIEmbeddedBrowserEvent | Embedded Browser Callback Event |
CIEndOtherMeetingToJoinMeetingHandler | End other meeting to join the new meeting Handler |
CIFreeMeetingEndingReminderHandler | Reminder handler of ending free meeting |
CIGeneralSettingContext | General setting interface |
▶CIH323Device | Meeting H.323 device Interface |
CIInterpretationLanguage | Interpretation language interface |
CIInterpreter | Interpreter interface |
CIInterpreterInfo | |
▶CIJoinMeetingBehaviorConfiguration | Meeting connect configuration Interface |
CIList< T > | |
CIMeetingAnnotationSupportEvent | Callback interface that viewer's annotation status changes |
CIMeetingAudioController | Meeting audio controller interface |
CIMeetingAudioCtrlEvent | Meeting audio callback event |
CIMeetingBOController | |
CIMeetingBOControllerEvent | |
CIMeetingBreakoutRoomsController | Breakout Rooms controller interface |
CIMeetingBreakoutRoomsEvent | Meeting Breakout Room callback event |
CIMeetingCallInPhoneNumberInfo | Call-in meeting Interface |
CIMeetingChatController | Meeting chat controller interface |
CIMeetingChatCtrlEvent | Meeting chat callback event |
▶CIMeetingConfigurationFreeMeetingEvent | Free meeting event handler |
CIMeetingExternalSecureKeyHandler | Meeting external secure key handler |
CIMeetingH323Helper | Meeting H323 Helper Interface |
CIMeetingH323HelperEvent | Meeting H.323 Helper callback event |
CIMeetingInfo | Meeting information Interface |
CIMeetingInterpretationController | Meeting interpretation controller interface |
CIMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent | Meeting interpretation callback event |
CIMeetingLiveStreamController | Live stream meeting controller interface |
CIMeetingLiveStreamCtrlEvent | Live stream meeting controller callback event |
CIMeetingLiveStreamItem | Live stream of current meeting |
CIMeetingParticipantsController | Meeting waiting room controller interface |
CIMeetingParticipantsCtrlEvent | Meeting Participants Controller Callback Event |
CIMeetingPasswordAndScreenNameHandler | Meeting screen name and password handler |
CIMeetingPhoneHelper | Meeting phone helper interface |
CIMeetingPhoneHelperEvent | Meeting phone helper callback event |
CIMeetingPhoneSupportCountryInfo | Phone meeting support country information interface |
CIMeetingQAController | Meeting q&a controller interface class |
CIMeetingQAControllerEvent | Meeting q&a callback event |
CIMeetingRecordingController | Meeting recording controller interface |
CIMeetingRecordingCtrlEvent | Meeting recording callback event |
CIMeetingRemoteController | Meeting remote control interface |
CIMeetingRemoteCtrlEvent | Meeting remote control callback event |
CIMeetingService | Meeting Service Interface |
CIMeetingServiceEvent | Meeting service callback event |
CIMeetingShareController | Meeting share controller interface |
CIMeetingShareCtrlEvent | Callback event of meeting share controller |
CIMeetingUIController | Meeting UI Controller Interface |
CIMeetingUIControllerEvent | Callback Event of Meeting UI Controller |
▶CIMeetingUIElemConfiguration | Meeting user configuration interface |
CIMeetingVideoController | Meeting video controller interface |
CIMeetingVideoCtrlEvent | Meeting video controller event callback |
CIMeetingWaitingRoomController | Meeting waiting room controller interface |
CIMeetingWaitingRoomEvent | Meeting Waiting Room Callback Event |
CIMeetingWebinarController | Webinar controller interface |
CIMeetingWebinarCtrlEvent | Webinar callback event |
CIMicInfo | Microphone device information interface |
CINetworkConnectionHandler | The network connection handler callback event |
CINetworkConnectionHelper | The network connection helper interface |
CIOutlookPluginIntegrationHelper | Outlook plugin integration helper interface |
CIOutlookPluginIntegrationHelperEvent | Outlook plugin integration helper Callback event |
CIPreMeetingService | Pre-meeting service interface |
CIPreMeetingServiceEvent | Pre-meeting service event interface |
CIProxySettingHandler | Proxy setting information callback interface |
CIQAItemInfo | Question item interface class |
▶CIQueryMeetingItemAudioOptionHelper | The interface to query the meeting audio information |
▶CIQueryMeetingItemDateInfoHelper | The interface to query the basic information of meeting |
▶CIQueryMeetingItemMeetingOptionHelper | The interface to query the meeting basic configuration information |
CIQueryMeetingItemScheduleForHelper | The interface to query the information of the user who is specified as the meeting host |
CIQueryMeetingItemTelAudioInfoHelper | The interface to query the meeting telephony number information |
▶CIQueryMeetingItemVideoOptionHelper | The interface to query meeting video information |
CIRecordingSettingContext | Recording setting interface |
CIRecordingSettingContextEvent | Recording setting context callback event |
CIRequestStartAudioHandler | Process after the user receives the requirement from the host to turn on the audio |
CIRequestStartVideoHandler | Process after the user receives the requirement from the host to turn on the video |
CIScheduleForUser | The interface of the user who can be specified as the host |
▶CISelectMeetingItemAudioOptionHelper | The interface to set the meeting audio information |
▶CISelectMeetingItemAudioOptionHelperEvent | The callback interface that the selected meeting audio function changes |
▶CISelectMeetingItemDateHelper | The interface to set the meeting basic information |
▶CISelectMeetingItemDateHelperEvent | The callback interface that the selected meeting status changes |
▶CISelectMeetingItemMeetingOptionHelper | The interface to configure the meeting basic information |
▶CISelectMeetingItemMeetingOptionHelperEvent | The callback interface to configure the meeting basic information |
CISelectMeetingItemScheduleForHelper | The meeting information interface to specify others as the host |
CISelectMeetingItemTelAudioHelper | The interface to set the meeting telephony numbers information |
▶CISelectMeetingItemVideoOptionHelper | The interface to set the meeting video information |
CISettingService | Meeting setting interface |
CISettingUIStrategy | Setting user strategy interface |
CIShareSwitchMultiToSingleConfirmHandler | Reminder handler of switching from multi-share to single share |
CISpeakerInfo | Audio speaker device information interface |
CISSLCertVerificationHandler | Verification of the SSL certificate callback interface |
CIStatisticSettingContext | Statistic setting interface |
CITestAudioDeviceHelper | Audio device test interface |
CITestAudioDeviceHelperEvent | Audio device testing callback events |
CITestVideoDeviceHelper | Video device test interface |
CITestVideoDeviceHelperEvent | Video Device test callback event |
CIUIHooker | Embedded browser interface |
CIUIHookerEvent | UI hooker callback event |
CIUserAudioStatus | User audio status interface |
CIUserInfo | User information interface |
CIVector< T > | |
CIVideoFilterImageInfo | Video filter image information interface |
CIVideoFilterSettingContext | Video filter setting interface |
CIVideoFilterSettingContextEvent | Video filter context Callback Event |
▶CIVideoRenderElement | The base class for the video element interface |
CIVideoSettingContext | Video setting interface |
CIVideoSettingContextEvent | Video setting context callback event |
CIVirtualBGImageInfo | Virtual background image information interface |
CIVirtualBGSettingContext | Virtual background setting interface |
CIVirtualBGSettingContextEvent | Virtual background context Callback Event |
▶CIWebinarNeedRegisterHandler | Webinar register handler |
CIYUVRawDataI420Converter | I420 YUV raw data converter interface |
CIZoomLastError | Error mechanism interface provided by the SDK This feature is gradually improved, so some errors may not be supported |
CIZoomRealNameAuthCountryInfo | Interface of country information that supports real name auth |
CIZoomRealNameAuthMeetingEvent | Real name auth meeting callback event |
CIZoomRealNameAuthMeetingHelper | Real name auth meeting helper Interface |
CIZoomRetrieveSMSVerificationCodeHandler | Retrieve SMS verification code handler interface |
CIZoomSDKAudioRawDataDelegate | |
CIZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper | |
CIZoomSDKPreProcessor | |
CIZoomSDKRenderer | |
CIZoomSDKRendererDelegate | |
CIZoomSDKVideoSender | |
CIZoomSDKVideoSource | |
CIZoomSDKVideoSourceHelper | |
CIZoomVerifySMSVerificationCodeHandler | Verify SMS verification code handler interface |
CNormalMeetingChatStaus | The authority to chat in the normal meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions. |
CtagASVSessionStatisticInfo | Notify video status information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagAttendeeMenuItemOption | Define the strategy to show the menu items for attendee. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagAudioBtnClickedCallbackInfo | The suggested action information for user to handle after getting the callback event "IMeetingUIControllerEvent::onAudioBtnClicked()" Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagAudioSessionStatisticInfo | Notify the audio status information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagAuthContext | SDK Authentication parameter with jwt token. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagAuthParam | SDK Authentication parameter with sdk key/secret. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagChatStatus | The authority to chat in the specified meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions. |
CtagConfigurableOptions | SDK configuration options |
CtagCustomizedLanguageInfo | |
CtagInitParam | Initialize the SDK Parameter. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagJoinParam | The way and the parameter of the users when join the meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagJoinParam4NormalUser | The parameter of ordinary logged-in user. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagJoinParam4WithoutLogin | The parameters of non-login user when joins the meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagLoginParam | Account login parameter. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagLoginParam4Email | SDK parameter for login via email. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagLoginParam4SSO | SDK parameter for login via SSO. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagMeetingParameter | Meeting parameter. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagNormalMeetingChatStaus | |
CtagOutlookExchageAuth | The verification of SDK when use the Outlook Exchange. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagOverallStatisticInfo | Notify overall statistic information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagPanelistMenuItemOption | Define the strategy to show the menu items for panelist. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagProxySettings | The proxy that the user want to use according to the net environment. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagRawDataOptions | |
CtagRedirectWarningMsgOption | Determine if the user handles the corresponding type of the warning message with user's own program. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagSendChatItem4Webinar | The structure of chat message for webinar. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagSettingDlgShowTabPageOption | Define the strategy to show the tab pages in the setting dialog. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagShareInfo | Information of current sharing. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagShowChatDlgParam | The configuration of the parameters to display the dialog. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagShowSettingDlgParam | |
CtagSplitScreenInfo | Split screen mode information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagStartParam | |
CtagStartParam4NormalUser | The parameter of ordinary user when starts meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagStartParam4WithoutLogin | The parameter used by unlogged-in user when starts the meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagVideoWallPageInfoParam | Video wall page information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagViewableShareSource | Visible shared source information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions. |
CtagWebinarAttendeeChatStatus | The authority to chat for the normal attendee in the webinar. Here are more detailed structural descriptions. |
CtagWebinarAttendeeStatus | Status of webinar attendee. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagWebinarMeetingStatus | Webinar Meeting Status. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagWebinarOtherUserRoleChatStatus | The authority to chat for the host, co-host and panelist to chat in webinar. Here are more detailed structural descriptions. |
CtagWndPosition | The position of the window. The coordinate of position is that of monitor when the parent window is null. If the the parent window is not null, the position coordinate is that of the parent window. Here are more detailed structural descriptions |
CtagZoomSDKRenderOptions | |
CVideoSourceCapability | |
CYUVProcessDataI420 | |
CYUVRawDataI420 | The YUV raw data handler interface |