ZOOM Windows SDK  5.2.42037.1112
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAudioRawDataThe audio raw data handler interface
 CCustomizedH323DeviceCustomized Meeting H.323 device
 CCustomizedLanguageTypeThe custom resource information used by the SDK. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CIAccessibilitySettingContextAccessibility setting interface
 CIAccountInfoAccount information interface
 CIActiveVideoRenderElementThe active video render element interface in the meeting
 CIAnnotationControllerMeeting annotation tool interface
 CIAnswerItemAnswer item interface class
 CIAudioSettingContextAudio setting interface
 CIAudioSettingContextEventAudio setting context callback event
 CIAuthServiceAuthentication Service Interface
 CIAuthServiceEventAuthentication service callback event
 CIBreakoutRoomsInfoMeeting breakout rooms information interface
 CICalenderEventCalendar information interface
 CICalenderServiceCalendar Service Interface
 CICalenderServiceEventCalendar Service Callback Event
 CICameraInfoCamera device information interface
 CIChatMsgInfoChat message interface
 CIClosedCaptionControllerClosed caption controller interface
 CIClosedCaptionControllerEventClosed Caption controller callback event
 CICustomizedAnnotationControllerAnnotation controller interface
 CICustomizedAnnotationControllerEventAnnotation controller callback event
 CICustomizedAnnotationObjAnnotation object interface
 CICustomizedAnnotationObjEventAnnotation object callback event
 CICustomizedResourceHelperCustomized resource helper interface
 CICustomizedShareRenderShare render interface
 CICustomizedShareRenderEventShare render callback event
 CICustomizedUIMgrCustom UI manager interface
 CICustomizedUIMgrEventThe callback event of custom UI manager interface
 CICustomizedVideoContainerVideo container interface
 CICustomizedVideoContainerEventCallback event of custom video container
 CIDirectShareServiceHelperDirect sharing helper Interface
 CIDirectShareServiceHelperEventDirect sharing helper callback event
 CIDirectShareViaMeetingIDOrPairingCodeHandlerDirect sharing by meeting ID or pairing code helper interface
 CIEmbeddedBrowserEmbedded Browser Interface
 CIEmbeddedBrowserEventEmbedded Browser Callback Event
 CIEndOtherMeetingToJoinMeetingHandlerEnd other meeting to join the new meeting Handler
 CIFreeMeetingEndingReminderHandlerReminder handler of ending free meeting
 CIGeneralSettingContextGeneral setting interface
 CIH323DeviceMeeting H.323 device Interface
 CIInterpretationLanguageInterpretation language interface
 CIInterpreterInterpreter interface
 CIJoinMeetingBehaviorConfigurationMeeting connect configuration Interface
 CIMeetingAnnotationSupportEventCallback interface that viewer's annotation status changes
 CIMeetingAudioControllerMeeting audio controller interface
 CIMeetingAudioCtrlEventMeeting audio callback event
 CIMeetingBreakoutRoomsControllerBreakout Rooms controller interface
 CIMeetingBreakoutRoomsEventMeeting Breakout Room callback event
 CIMeetingCallInPhoneNumberInfoCall-in meeting Interface
 CIMeetingChatControllerMeeting chat controller interface
 CIMeetingChatCtrlEventMeeting chat callback event
 CIMeetingConfigurationMeeting configuration interface
 CIMeetingConfigurationEventMeeting configuration event callback
 CIMeetingConfigurationFreeMeetingEventFree meeting event handler
 CIMeetingExternalSecureKeyHandlerMeeting external secure key handler
 CIMeetingH323HelperMeeting H323 Helper Interface
 CIMeetingH323HelperEventMeeting H.323 Helper callback event
 CIMeetingInfoMeeting information Interface
 CIMeetingInterpretationControllerMeeting interpretation controller interface
 CIMeetingInterpretationControllerEventMeeting interpretation callback event
 CIMeetingItemInfoMeeting item information interface
 CIMeetingItemInfoQueryHelperThe interface to query the meeting information
 CIMeetingLiveStreamControllerLive stream meeting controller interface
 CIMeetingLiveStreamCtrlEventLive stream meeting controller callback event
 CIMeetingLiveStreamItemLive stream of current meeting
 CIMeetingParticipantsControllerMeeting waiting room controller interface
 CIMeetingParticipantsCtrlEventMeeting Participants Controller Callback Event
 CIMeetingPasswordAndScreenNameHandlerMeeting screen name and password handler
 CIMeetingPhoneHelperMeeting phone helper interface
 CIMeetingPhoneHelperEventMeeting phone helper callback event
 CIMeetingPhoneSupportCountryInfoPhone meeting support country information interface
 CIMeetingQAControllerMeeting q&a controller interface class
 CIMeetingQAControllerEventMeeting q&a callback event
 CIMeetingRecordingControllerMeeting recording controller interface
 CIMeetingRecordingCtrlEventMeeting recording callback event
 CIMeetingRemoteControllerMeeting remote control interface
 CIMeetingRemoteCtrlEventMeeting remote control callback event
 CIMeetingServiceMeeting Service Interface
 CIMeetingServiceEventMeeting service callback event
 CIMeetingShareControllerMeeting share controller interface
 CIMeetingShareCtrlEventCallback event of meeting share controller
 CIMeetingUIControllerMeeting UI Controller Interface
 CIMeetingUIControllerEventCallback Event of Meeting UI Controller
 CIMeetingUIElemConfigurationMeeting user configuration interface
 CIMeetingVideoControllerMeeting video controller interface
 CIMeetingVideoCtrlEventMeeting video controller event callback
 CIMeetingWaitingRoomControllerMeeting waiting room controller interface
 CIMeetingWaitingRoomEventMeeting Waiting Room Callback Event
 CIMeetingWebinarControllerWebinar controller interface
 CIMeetingWebinarCtrlEventWebinar callback event
 CIMicInfoMicrophone device information interface
 CINetworkConnectionHandlerThe network connection handler callback event
 CINetworkConnectionHelperThe network connection helper interface
 CINormalVideoRenderElementNormal video render element interface in the meeting
 CIOutlookPluginIntegrationHelperOutlook plugin integration helper interface
 CIOutlookPluginIntegrationHelperEventOutlook plugin integration helper Callback event
 CIPreMeetingServicePre-meeting service interface
 CIPreMeetingServiceEventPre-meeting service event interface
 CIPreviewVideoRenderElementThe interface to preview the video render element of the participant who joins the meeting before the host
 CIProxySettingHandlerProxy setting information callback interface
 CIQAItemInfoQuestion item interface class
 CIQueryMeetingItemAudioOptionHelperThe interface to query the meeting audio information
 CIQueryMeetingItemDateInfoHelperThe interface to query the basic information of meeting
 CIQueryMeetingItemMeetingOptionHelperThe interface to query the meeting basic configuration information
 CIQueryMeetingItemScheduleForHelperThe interface to query the information of the user who is specified as the meeting host
 CIQueryMeetingItemTelAudioInfoHelperThe interface to query the meeting telephony number information
 CIQueryMeetingItemVideoOptionHelperThe interface to query meeting video information
 CIRecordingSettingContextRecording setting interface
 CIRecordingSettingContextEventRecording setting context callback event
 CIRequestStartAudioHandlerProcess after the user receives the requirement from the host to turn on the audio
 CIRequestStartVideoHandlerProcess after the user receives the requirement from the host to turn on the video
 CIScheduleForUserThe interface of the user who can be specified as the host
 CIScheduleMeetingItemSchedule meeting item interface. The APIs are used to schedule meeting and edit scheduled meeting. You can create/destroy the interface via CreateScheduleMeetingItem and DestoryScheduleMeetingItem in IPreMeetingService
 CIScheduleMeetingItemStatusCallbackThe interface to configure the meeting information
 CISelectMeetingItemAudioOptionHelperThe interface to set the meeting audio information
 CISelectMeetingItemAudioOptionHelperEventThe callback interface that the selected meeting audio function changes
 CISelectMeetingItemDateHelperThe interface to set the meeting basic information
 CISelectMeetingItemDateHelperEventThe callback interface that the selected meeting status changes
 CISelectMeetingItemMeetingOptionHelperThe interface to configure the meeting basic information
 CISelectMeetingItemMeetingOptionHelperEventThe callback interface to configure the meeting basic information
 CISelectMeetingItemScheduleForHelperThe meeting information interface to specify others as the host
 CISelectMeetingItemTelAudioHelperThe interface to set the meeting telephony numbers information
 CISelectMeetingItemVideoOptionHelperThe interface to set the meeting video information
 CISettingServiceMeeting setting interface
 CISettingUIStrategySetting user strategy interface
 CIShareSwitchMultiToSingleConfirmHandlerReminder handler of switching from multi-share to single share
 CISpeakerInfoAudio speaker device information interface
 CISSLCertVerificationHandlerVerification of the SSL certificate callback interface
 CIStatisticSettingContextStatistic setting interface
 CITestAudioDeviceHelperAudio device test interface
 CITestAudioDeviceHelperEventAudio device testing callback events
 CITestVideoDeviceHelperVideo device test interface
 CITestVideoDeviceHelperEventVideo Device test callback event
 CIUIHookerEmbedded browser interface
 CIUIHookerEventUI hooker callback event
 CIUserAudioStatusUser audio status interface
 CIUserInfoUser information interface
 CIVideoFilterImageInfoVideo filter image information interface
 CIVideoFilterSettingContextVideo filter setting interface
 CIVideoFilterSettingContextEventVideo filter context Callback Event
 CIVideoRenderElementThe base class for the video element interface
 CIVideoSettingContextVideo setting interface
 CIVideoSettingContextEventVideo setting context callback event
 CIVirtualBGImageInfoVirtual background image information interface
 CIVirtualBGSettingContextVirtual background setting interface
 CIVirtualBGSettingContextEventVirtual background context Callback Event
 CIWebinarNeedRegisterHandlerWebinar register handler
 CIWebinarNeedRegisterHandlerByEmailWebinar register with email and screen name Handler
 CIWebinarNeedRegisterHandlerByUrlRegister webinar with URL Handler
 CIYUVRawDataI420ConverterI420 YUV raw data converter interface
 CIZoomLastErrorError mechanism interface provided by the SDK This feature is gradually improved, so some errors may not be supported
 CIZoomRealNameAuthCountryInfoInterface of country information that supports real name auth
 CIZoomRealNameAuthMeetingEventReal name auth meeting callback event
 CIZoomRealNameAuthMeetingHelperReal name auth meeting helper Interface
 CIZoomRetrieveSMSVerificationCodeHandlerRetrieve SMS verification code handler interface
 CIZoomVerifySMSVerificationCodeHandlerVerify SMS verification code handler interface
 CNormalMeetingChatStausThe authority to chat in the normal meeting.
Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
 CtagASVSessionStatisticInfoNotify video status information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagAttendeeMenuItemOptionDefine the strategy to show the menu items for attendee. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagAudioBtnClickedCallbackInfoThe suggested action information for user to handle after getting the callback event "IMeetingUIControllerEvent::onAudioBtnClicked()" Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagAudioSessionStatisticInfoNotify the audio status information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagAuthContextSDK Authentication parameter with jwt token. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagAuthParamSDK Authentication parameter with sdk key/secret. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagChatStatusThe authority to chat in the specified meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
 CtagConfigurableOptionsSDK configuration options
 CtagInitParamInitialize the SDK Parameter. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagJoinParamThe way and the parameter of the users when join the meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagJoinParam4NormalUserThe parameter of ordinary logged-in user. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagJoinParam4WithoutLoginThe parameters of non-login user when joins the meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagLoginParamAccount login parameter. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagLoginParam4EmailSDK parameter for login via email. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagLoginParam4SSOSDK parameter for login via SSO. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagMeetingParameterMeeting parameter. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagOutlookExchageAuthThe verification of SDK when use the Outlook Exchange. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagOverallStatisticInfoNotify overall statistic information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagPanelistMenuItemOptionDefine the strategy to show the menu items for panelist. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagProxySettingsThe proxy that the user want to use according to the net environment. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagRedirectWarningMsgOptionDetermine if the user handles the corresponding type of the warning message with user's own program. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagSendChatItem4WebinarThe structure of chat message for webinar. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagSettingDlgShowTabPageOptionDefine the strategy to show the tab pages in the setting dialog. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagShareInfoInformation of current sharing. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagShowChatDlgParamThe configuration of the parameters to display the dialog. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagSplitScreenInfoSplit screen mode information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagStartParam4NormalUserThe parameter of ordinary user when starts meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagStartParam4WithoutLoginThe parameter used by unlogged-in user when starts the meeting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagVideoWallPageInfoParamVideo wall page information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagViewableShareSourceVisible shared source information. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
 CtagWebinarAttendeeChatStatusThe authority to chat for the normal attendee in the webinar. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
 CtagWebinarAttendeeStatusStatus of webinar attendee. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagWebinarMeetingStatusWebinar Meeting Status. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CtagWebinarOtherUserRoleChatStatusThe authority to chat for the host, co-host and panelist to chat in webinar. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
 CtagWndPositionThe position of the window. The coordinate of position is that of monitor when the parent window is null. If the the parent window is not null, the position coordinate is that of the parent window. Here are more detailed structural descriptions
 CYUVRawDataI420The YUV raw data handler interface