Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CMobileRTCInitialize the class to acquire all the services
 CMobileRTCAccountInfoIt is used to store the profile information of logged-in user
 CMobileRTCActiveShareViewMobileRTCActiveShareView is designed for Render Share Content
 CMobileRTCActiveVideoViewMobileRTCActiveVideoView is designed for Render Active Video
 CMobileRTCAlternativeHostIt is used to store the information of the alternative host
 CMobileRTCAlternativeHostInfoMobileRTCAlternativeHostInfo, It's used to schedule meetings and add alternate hosts
 CMobileRTCAnnotationServiceDelegateShare sender will disable the annotation, this delegate will notify the status change to viewer #only for custom UI#
 C<MobileRTCAnnotationServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCAudioRawDataDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCAudioRawDataDelegate>This class is used to receive audio raw data. The MobileRTCAudioRawDataDelegate protocol is required in the custom meeting UI view
 C<MobileRTCAudioServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCAudioServiceDelegate>An Audio Service will issue the following values when the meeting audio changes
 C<MobileRTCAuthDelegate >An authentication service will issue the following values when the authorization state changes
 CMobileRTCAuthServiceThe method provides support for authorizing MobileRTC
 C<MobileRTCBOAdminDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCBOAttendeeDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCBODataDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCBOServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate>The class that conform to the MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate protocol can provide methods for tracking the In-Meeting Event and determining policy for each Event. The MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate protocol is required in the custom meeting UI view
 CMobileRTCDirectShareServiceDirect sharing helper Interface
 CMobileRTCDirectShareServiceDelegateDirect sharing helper callback
 C<MobileRTCDirectShareServiceDelegate >
 CMobileRTCDirectShareViaMeetingIDOrPairingCodeHandlerDirect sharing by meeting ID or pairing code helper interface
 CMobileRTCE2EMeetingKeyThe method provides support for custom end-to-end meeting session keys
 CMobileRTCInterpretationLanguageThe information of interpretation language
 C<MobileRTCInterpretationServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCInterpretationServiceDelegate>Callback event when the Interpretaion status change
 CMobileRTCInviteHelperGet/Set configurations in meeting
 CMobileRTCMeetingChatRetrieve the meeting chat data
 CMobileRTCMeetingInterpreterThe information of interpreter
 CMobileRTCMeetingInviteActionItemAdd custom invitation action items to the meeting.
 C<MobileRTCMeetingItem >Store meeting information
 CMobileRTCMeetingJoinParamThe method provides parameters for join meeting
 CMobileRTCMeetingServiceThe method is an implementation for client to start/join a meeting
 CMobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare)Starts an App share meeting
 CMobileRTCMeetingService(Customize)Provide interfaces for outgoing calls and Call Room Device
 CMobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting)Set to provide interfaces for meeting events
 CMobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground)Meeting service for virtual background
 C<MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate>The Meeting Service will issue the following values when the meeting state changes
 CMobileRTCMeetingSettingsSet to modify the configurations of the meeting
 CMobileRTCMeetingShareActionItemAdd custom share action item to the meeting
 C<MobileRTCMeetingShareActionItemDelegate >
 CMobileRTCMeetingStartParamThe method provides parameters for starting meeting
 CMobileRTCMeetingStartParam4LoginlUserThe method provides parameters for logged-in user to start meeting
 CMobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUserThe method provides parameters for non-logged-in user to start meeting. The ZAK cannot be null
 CMobileRTCMeetingUserInfoThe information of the current user in the meeting
 CMobileRTCMeetingWebinarAttendeeInfoThe information of user in the webinar
 C<MobileRTCPremeetingDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCPremeetingDelegate>Sink the event of scheduling/editing/deleting/listing a meeting
 CMobileRTCPremeetingServiceIt provides support for scheduling/editing/deleting meeting once logged in MobileRTC with working email or with SSO
 C<MobileRTCPreProcessorDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCPreProcessorDelegate>This class is used to preprocess rawdata data before rendering. The MobileRTCPreProcessorDelegate protocol is required in the custom meeting UI view
 CMobileRTCPreviewVideoViewMobileRTCPreviewVideoView is designed for Preview Self Video
 CMobileRTCQAAnswerItemThe object of Q&A question answer
 CMobileRTCRealNameCountryInfoFor real name auth usage
 C<MobileRTCRemoteControlDelegate >Callback event of receiving remote control
 CMobileRTCRemoteControlServiceIt provides Remote Control Service
 CMobileRTCRetrieveSMSHandlerFor send SMS usage
 C<MobileRTCShareServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCShareServiceDelegate>Callback event when the meeting sharing status changes
 CMobileRTCSMSServiceFor SMS service usage like following flow
 C<MobileRTCSMSServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCSMSServiceDelegate>This class is use to retrive and verify SMS
 C<MobileRTCUserServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCUserServiceDelegate>Callback event when the attendee's status changes
 CMobileRTCVerifySMSHandlerFor verify SMS usage
 C<MobileRTCVideoRawDataDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCVideoRawDataDelegate>This class is used to receive video raw data. The MobileRTCVideoRawDataDelegate protocol is required in the custom meeting UI view
 C<MobileRTCVideoServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCVideoServiceDelegate>A video service will issue the following values when the meeting video changes
 C<MobileRTCVideoSourceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCVideoSourceDelegate>This class is used to send your own video rawdata. The MobileRTCVideoSourceDelegate protocol is required in the custom meeting UI view
 CMobileRTCVideoStatusThe object of video status of the current user in the meeting
 CMobileRTCVideoViewMobileRTCVideoView is designed for Render Attendee Video
 CMobileRTCVirtualBGImageInfoImage item property
 CMobileRTCWaitingRoomServiceDelegateMeeting host enabled the waiting room feature, then the delegate will receive this notification #only for custom UI#
 C<MobileRTCWaitingRoomServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCWebinarServiceDelegate >
 C<MobileRTCWebinarServiceDelegate>Callback event when the Webinar changes