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MobileRTCMeetingChat Class Reference

Retrieve the meeting chat data. More...

#import <MobileRTCMeetingChat.h>

Inheritance diagram for MobileRTCMeetingChat:


NSString *_Nullable chatId
 The message ID.
NSString *_Nullable senderId
 The ID of user who sends message.
NSString *_Nullable senderName
 The screen name of user who sends message.
NSString *_Nullable receiverId
 The ID of user who receives message.
NSString *_Nullable receiverName
 The screen name of user who receives message.
NSString *_Nullable content
 The message content.
NSDate *_Nullable date
 The message timestamps.
MobileRTCChatMessageType chatMessageType
 The Chat message type.
BOOL isMyself
 Whether the message is sent by the user himself or not.
BOOL isPrivate
 Whether the message is private or not.
BOOL isChatToAll
 Whether the message is send to all or not.
BOOL isChatToAllPanelist
 Whether the message is send to all panelist or not.
BOOL isChatToWaitingroom
 Whether the message is send to waiting room or not.

Detailed Description

Retrieve the meeting chat data.

The function is optional.

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