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MobileRTCMeetingService Class Reference

The method is an implementation for client to start/join a meeting. More...

#import <MobileRTCMeetingService.h>

Inheritance diagram for MobileRTCMeetingService:

Instance Methods

(MobileRTCMeetError) - startMeetingWithDictionary:
 Start a meeting with parameters in the dictionary. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - startMeetingWithStartParam:
 Start a meeting with MobileRTCMeetingStartParam parameter. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - joinMeetingWithDictionary:
 Use it to join a meeting with parameters in a dictionary. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - joinMeetingWithJoinParam:
 Use it to join a meeting with MobileRTCMeetingJoinParam parameter. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - handZoomWebUrl:
 Start or join a ZOOM meeting with zoom web url. More...
(MobileRTCMeetingState) - getMeetingState
 Get the current meeting state.
(void) - leaveMeetingWithCmd:
 End/Leave the current meeting. More...
(UIView *_Nullable) - meetingView
 This method will return the view of meeting UI, which provide an access which allow customer to add their own view in the meeting UI. More...
(BOOL) - isDirectAppShareMeeting
 Query if the current meeting is enabled with App share. More...
(void) - appShareWithView:
 Share a content. More...
 Share content with ReplayKit. More...
(BOOL) - startAppShare
 Set to enable App share. More...
(void) - stopAppShare
 Set to stop App share.
(BOOL) - isStartingShare
 Notify the current user if he is sharing. More...
(BOOL) - isViewingShare
 Notify the current user if he is viewing the share. More...
(BOOL) - isAnnotationOff
 Notify the current user if he can annotate. More...
(BOOL) - suspendSharing:
 suspend sharing. More...
(MobileRTCAudioType) - myAudioType
 Get the in-meeting audio type of the current user. More...
(BOOL) - connectMyAudio:
 Set whether to connect the audio in the meeting. More...
(MobileRTCAudioOutput) - myAudioOutputDescription
 Set to retrieve the audio output type of the current user. More...
(BOOL) - isMyAudioMuted
 Query if the audio of the current user is muted. More...
(BOOL) - canUnmuteMyAudio
 Query if the user can unmute his audio. More...
(BOOL) - isMuteOnEntryOn
 Query if is enabled to mute attendees when they join the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - muteOnEntry:
 Set if attendees join the meeting with audio muted. More...
(BOOL) - isUserAudioMuted:
 Query if the user's audio is muted. More...
(BOOL) - muteUserAudio:withUID:
 Set whether to mute user's audio. More...
(BOOL) - muteAllUserAudio:
 Set to mute audio of all attendees. More...
(BOOL) - askAllToUnmute
 Ask to unmute audio of all attendees. More...
(BOOL) - isSupportedVOIP
 Query if the meeting supports VoIP. More...
(BOOL) - isPlayChimeOn
 Query if chime is enabled when user joins/leaves meeting. More...
(BOOL) - playChime:
 Set whether chime are enabled when the user joins/leaves meeting. More...
(MobileRTCAudioError) - muteMyAudio:
 Set to mute the audio of the current user. More...
(MobileRTCAudioError) - switchMyAudioSource
 Set to switch audio source of the current user.
(void) - resetMeetingAudioSession
 Reset Meeting Audio Session including Category and Mode.
(void) - resetMeetingAudioForCallKitHeld
 Reset Meeting Audio Session including Category and Mode. When the call comes in or goes out, click hold or swap in the dial-up UI to restore the zoom sound.
(MobileRTCBOCreator *_Nullable) - getCreatorHelper
 get MobileRTCBOCreator object
(MobileRTCBOAdmin *_Nullable) - getAdminHelper
 get MobileRTCBOAdmin object
(MobileRTCBOAssistant *_Nullable) - getAssistantHelper
 get MobileRTCBOAssistant object
(MobileRTCBOAttendee *_Nullable) - getAttedeeHelper
 get MobileRTCBOAttendee object
(MobileRTCBOData *_Nullable) - getDataHelper
 get MobileRTCBOData object
(BOOL) - isMasterMeetingHost
 is user are host in mast meeting.
(BOOL) - isBOMeetingStarted
 is BO meeting started.
(BOOL) - isBOMeetingEnabled
 is BO meeting feature enabled in web page.
(BOOL) - isInBOMeeting
 is in bo meeting right now.
(BOOL) - isChatDisabled
 Query if the chat is disabled in the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isPrivateChatDisabled
 Query if it is able to send private chat in the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - changeAttendeeChatPriviledge:
 set Attendee Chat Priviledge when in-meeting More...
(MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledgeType) - getAttendeeChatPriviledge
 get Attendee Chat Priviledge when in-meeting More...
(nullable MobileRTCMeetingChat *) - meetingChatByID:
 Get in-meeting chat message. More...
(MobileRTCSendChatError) - sendChatToUser:WithContent:
 Send chat message to the specified user in the meeting. More...
(MobileRTCSendChatError) - sendChatToGroup:WithContent:
 Send message to group in the meeting. More...
(void) - customizeMeetingTitle:
 Set to customize the meeting title which will be displayed in the meeting bar. More...
(BOOL) - setMeetingTopic:
 Set to customize the meeting topic which will be displayed in the meeting info view. More...
(BOOL) - isDialOutSupported
 Query if user can dial out in the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isDialOutInProgress
 Query if there is any outgoing call in process. More...
(BOOL) - dialOut:isCallMe:withName:
 Start to dial out. More...
(BOOL) - cancelDialOut:
 Cancel to dial out. More...
(BOOL) - isCallRoomDeviceSupported
 Query if it is able to Call Room device(H.323). More...
(BOOL) - isCallingRoomDevice
 Query if it is in process to call room device. More...
(BOOL) - cancelCallRoomDevice
 Cancel to call room device. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getIPAddressList
 Get an array of IP Addresses of room device which is used for calling. More...
(nullable NSString *) - getH323MeetingPassword
 Get the password of the meeting running on H.323 device. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getRoomDeviceList
 Get room devices that can be called. More...
(BOOL) - sendPairingCode:WithMeetingNumber:
 Get the pairing code when the room device call in. More...
(BOOL) - callRoomDevice:
 The user calls out to invite the room device. More...
(NSUInteger) - getParticipantID
 Get Participant ID. More...
(nullable MobileRTCCallCountryCode *) - getDialInCurrentCountryCode
 Get countrycode for the current user's locale. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getDialInAllCountryCodes
 Get all countrycodes. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getDialInCallCodesWithCountryId:
 Get to the countrycode specified by countryId. More...
(BOOL) - dialInCall:
 Make a phone call to access your voice. More...
(BOOL) - isMeetingHost
 Query if the current user is the host of the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isMeetingCoHost
 Query if the current user is the co-host of the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isWebinarAttendee
 Query if the current user is the webinar attendee of the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isWebinarPanelist
 Query if the current user is the webinar panelist of the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isMeetingLocked
 Notify if the meeting is locked by host. Once the meeting is locked, other users out of the meeting can no longer join it. More...
(BOOL) - isShareLocked
 Notify if the share is locked by host. Once the meeting is locked by the host/co-host, other user can not share except the host/co-host. More...
(BOOL) - isCMREnabled
 Notify if the cloud recording is enabled. More...
(BOOL) - isCMRInProgress
 Notify if the cloud recording is in progress. More...
(BOOL) - isCMRPaused
 Notify if the cloud recording is paused. More...
(BOOL) - resumePauseCMR
 Set to pause/resume cloud recording in the meeting. More...
(void) - turnOnCMR:
 Set to turn on/off the cloud recording in the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - handleE2EMeetingKey:withLeaveMeeting:
 Set custom meeting session key. More...
(BOOL) - isExternalMeeting
 Query if the meeting is external or not. More...
(BOOL) - isInternalMeeting
 Query if the meeting is internal or not. More...
(BOOL) - isFailoverMeeting
 Query if the meeting is failover. More...
(BOOL) - isWebinarMeeting
 Query if the meeting is Webinar. More...
(BOOL) - lockMeeting:
 Set to lock the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - lockShare:
 Set to lock the share. More...
(MobileRTCNetworkQuality) - queryNetworkQuality:withDataFlow:
 Check in-meeting network status. More...
(BOOL) - presentMeetingChatViewController:userId:
 Set to present Zoom original Meeting Chat ViewController. More...
(BOOL) - presentParticipantsViewController:
 Set to present Zoom original Participants ViewController. More...
(BOOL) - configDSCPWithAudioValue:VideoValue:
 Configure DSCP values for audio and video. More...
(BOOL) - hideFullPhoneNumberForPureCallInUser:
 Set to hide the Full Phone Number of purely Call-in User. More...
(BOOL) - startLiveStreamWithStreamingURL:StreamingKey:BroadcastURL:
 Set to start Live Stream. More...
(nullable NSDictionary *) - getLiveStreamURL
 Get live stream server URL. More...
(BOOL) - stopLiveStream
 Set to stop live streaming. More...
(BOOL) - showMobileRTCMeeting:
 Set to show UI of meeting. More...
(BOOL) - hideMobileRTCMeeting:
 Set to hide the UI of meeting. More...
(void) - showMeetingControlBar
 If you add a full-screen view to our zoom meeting UI, you can display the control bar by this method when the control bar is hidden. More...
(BOOL) - isQAEnabled
 Query if Q&A is enabled. More...
(BOOL) - presentQAViewController:
 Set to present Zoom original Q&A ViewController. More...
(NSString *_Nullable) - getMeetingPassword
 Get current meeting's password. More...
(BOOL) - showMinimizeMeetingFromZoomUIMeeting
 call the method to show Minimize meeting when in Zoom UI meeting. More...
(BOOL) - backZoomUIMeetingFromMinimizeMeeting
 call the methond to back Zoom UI meeting when in minimize meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isParticipantsRenameAllowed
 Query if the meeting is allow participants to rename themselves. More...
(void) - allowParticipantsToRename:
 Set the meeting is allow participants to rename themselves. More...
(BOOL) - isParticipantsUnmuteSelfAllowed
 Query if the meeting is allow participants to unmute themselves. More...
(void) - allowParticipantsToUnmuteSelf:
 Query if the meeting is allow participants to unmute themselves. More...
(BOOL) - isInterpretationEnabled
 Determine if interpretation feature is enabled in the meeting.
(BOOL) - isInterpretationStarted
 Determine if interpretation has been started by host.
(BOOL) - isInterpreter
 Determine if myself is interpreter.
(MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage *_Nullable) - getInterpretationLanguageByID:
 Get the interpretation language object of specified language ID. More...
(NSArray< MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage * > *_Nullable) - getAllLanguageList
 Get the all interpretation language list. More...
(NSArray< MobileRTCMeetingInterpreter * > *_Nullable) - getInterpreterList
 Get the interpreters list. More...
(BOOL) - addInterpreter:lan1:andLan2:
 Add someone as a interpreter. More...
(BOOL) - removeInterpreter:
 Remove some interpreter. More...
(BOOL) - modifyInterpreter:lan1:andLan2:
 modify the language of some interpreter. More...
(BOOL) - startInterpretation
 Start interpretation. More...
(BOOL) - stopInterpretation
 Stop interpretation. More...
(NSArray< MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage * > *_Nullable) - getAvailableLanguageList
 Get the available interpretation language list. More...
(BOOL) - joinLanguageChannel:
 Join some language channel. More...
(NSInteger) - getJoinedLanguageID
 Get the language ID which myself is in. More...
(BOOL) - turnOffMajorAudio
 Turn off the major audio, if you are in some interpreter language channel. More...
(BOOL) - turnOnMajorAudio
 Turn on the major audio, if you are in some interpreter language channel. More...
(BOOL) - isMajorAudioTurnOff
 Determine if the major audio is off. More...
(NSArray< MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage * > *_Nullable) - getInterpreterLans
 Get languages if myself is a interpreter. More...
(BOOL) - setInterpreterActiveLan:
 Set a language channel which myself will be in, if myself is a interpreter. More...
(NSInteger) - getInterpreterActiveLan
 Get the active language ID, if myself is a interpreter. More...
(BOOL) - changeName:withUserID:
 Set to change user's screen name in meeting. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getInMeetingUserList
 Get all the users in the meeting. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getWebinarAttendeeList
 Get all the attendees in the webinar. More...
(nullable MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo *) - userInfoByID:
 Get user information in the meeting. More...
(nullable MobileRTCMeetingWebinarAttendeeInfo *) - attendeeInfoByID:
 Get attendees' information in the webinar. More...
(BOOL) - makeHost:
 Assign a user as the host in meeting. More...
(BOOL) - removeUser:
 Remove a user from the meeting. More...
(NSUInteger) - myselfUserID
 Get the ID of the current user in the meeting. More...
(NSUInteger) - activeUserID
 Get the ID of the active user in the meeting. More...
(NSUInteger) - activeShareUserID
 Get the ID of user who is sharing in the meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isSameUser:compareTo:
 Judge if the two IDs from different sessions are of the same user. More...
(BOOL) - isHostUser:
 Query if the user is host. More...
(BOOL) - isMyself:
 Query if the ID is the current user's.
(BOOL) - isH323User:
 Query if the user join meeting from H323. More...
(BOOL) - raiseMyHand
 Raise hand of the current user. More...
(BOOL) - lowerHand:
 Put hands down of the current user. More...
(BOOL) - lowerAllHand
 Set to put all users' hands down. More...
(BOOL) - canClaimhost
 Query if the current user can claim to be a host. More...
(BOOL) - claimHostWithHostKey:
 Set to claim to be a host by host key. More...
(BOOL) - assignCohost:
 Assign a user as co-host in meeting. More...
(BOOL) - revokeCoHost:
 Revoke co-host role of another user in meeting. More...
(BOOL) - canBeCoHost:
 Query if the user can be assigned as co-host in meeting. More...
(BOOL) - isSendingMyVideo
 Query if the user is sending video.
(BOOL) - canUnmuteMyVideo
 Query if user can unmute his video himself. More...
(MobileRTCVideoError) - muteMyVideo:
 Set to mute video of the current user. More...
(BOOL) - isUserSpotlighted:
 Query if user's video is spotlighted. Once the user's video is spotlighted, it will show only the specified video in the meeting instead of active user's.
(BOOL) - spotlightVideo:withUser:
 Set whether to spotlight user's video. More...
(BOOL) - isUserPinned:
 Query if the user's video is pinned. More...
(BOOL) - pinVideo:withUser:
 Set whether to pin user's video or not. More...
(BOOL) - isUserVideoSending:
 Query if user's video is being sent. More...
(BOOL) - stopUserVideo:
 Set to stop user's video. More...
(BOOL) - askUserStartVideo:
 Host can use this function to demand user to start video. More...
(CGSize) - getUserVideoSize:
 Get the size of user's video. More...
(BOOL) - isBackCamera
 Query if user is using back camera. More...
(MobileRTCCameraError) - switchMyCamera
 Set to Switch the camera of the current user in local device. More...
(BOOL) - startPreviewWithFrame:
 Start preview for inspect the virtual background effect. More...
(BOOL) - isSupportVirtualBG
 is support virtual background. More...
(BOOL) - isSupportSmartVirtualBG
 is Support smart virtual background. More...
(NSArray< MobileRTCVirtualBGImageInfo * > *_Nonnull) - getBGImageList
 get the virtual background list. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - addBGImage:
 add and use the image for virtual background. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - removeBGImage:
 Remove image item form image list. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - useBGImage:
 use the specify image item for virtual background. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - useNoneImage
 Disable the virtrual background, same as use a none image item. More...
(BOOL) - isUsingGreenVB
 is using green virtual background. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - enableGreenVB:
 Enable green virtual background mode. More...
(MobileRTCMeetError) - selectGreenVBPoint:
 Select the point that regard as background. More...
(BOOL) - hasPromptAndDePromptPrivilige
 Query if the user has the privilege to prompt or demote users in the webinar. More...
(BOOL) - promptAttendee2Panelist:
 Prompt Attendee to Panelist in Webinar. More...
(BOOL) - dePromptPanelist2Attendee:
 Demote the panelist to attendee. More...
(BOOL) - allowAttendeeChat:
 Allow attendee to chat. More...
(BOOL) - isAllowAttendeeTalk:
 Query if attendee is allowed to talk in Webinar Meeting. More...
(BOOL) - allowAttenddeTalk:allow:
 Allow attendee to talk in webinar. More...
(BOOL) - isAllowPanelistStartVideo
 Query if Panelist can start video in Webinar Meeting. More...
(BOOL) - allowPanelistStartVideo:
 Allow Panelist to start video in Webinar. More...
(BOOL) - isAllowAskQuestionAnonymously
 Query if it is allowed to ask question anonymously in webinar. More...
(BOOL) - allowAskQuestionAnonymously:
 Set if it is enabled to ask questions anonymously. More...
(BOOL) - isAllowAttendeeViewAllQuestion
 Query if attendee is allowed to view all question. More...
(BOOL) - allowAttendeeViewAllQuestion:
 Allow attendee to view all question. More...
(BOOL) - isAllowAttendeeUpVoteQuestion
 Query if attendee is allowed to submit questions. More...
(BOOL) - allowAttendeeUpVoteQuestion:
 Allow attendee to submit questions. More...
(BOOL) - isAllowCommentQuestion
 Query if attendee is allowed to comment questions. More...
(BOOL) - allowCommentQuestion:
 Allow attendee to comment question. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getAllQuestionList
 Get all questions. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getMyQuestionList
 Get My questions. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getOpenQuestionList
 Get Open questions. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getDismissedQuestionList
 Get Dismissed questions. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - getAnsweredQuestionList
 Get Answered questions. More...
(int) - getALLQuestionCount
 Get the amount of all questions. More...
(int) - getMyQuestionCount
 Get the amount of my questions. More...
(int) - getOpenQuestionCount
 Get the amount of Open questions. More...
(int) - getDismissedQuestionCount
 Get the amount of dissmissed questions. More...
(int) - getAnsweredQuestionCount
 Get the amount of answered questions. More...
(nullable MobileRTCQAItem *) - getQuestion:
 get question item by questionID. More...
(nullable MobileRTCQAAnswerItem *) - getAnswer:
 get answer item by questionID. More...
(BOOL) - addQuestion:anonymous:
 Add Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - answerQuestionPrivate:answerContent:
 Answer quesion in private. More...
(BOOL) - answerQuestionPublic:answerContent:
 Answer Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - commentQuestion:commentContent:
 Attendee comment Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - dismissQuestion:
 Dismiss Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - reopenQuestion:
 Reopen Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - voteupQuestion:voteup:
 Vote up Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - startLiving:
 startLiving Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - endLiving:
 endLiving Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - deleteQuestion:
 delete Quesion. More...
(BOOL) - deleteAnswer:
 delete answerID. More...


id< MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegatedelegate
 Callback of receiving meeting events.

id< MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegatecustomizedUImeetingDelegate
 Callback of receiving meeting events for custom UI.
UIView *_Nullable previewView
 The preview for inspect the virtual background effect.

Detailed Description

The method is an implementation for client to start/join a meeting.

The meeting service allows only one concurrent operation at a time, which means, only one API call is in progress at any given time.

Method Documentation

◆ activeShareUserID()

- (NSUInteger) activeShareUserID

Get the ID of user who is sharing in the meeting.

The ID of user who is sharing in the meeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ activeUserID()

- (NSUInteger) activeUserID

Get the ID of the active user in the meeting.

Active user ID.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ addBGImage:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) addBGImage: (UIImage *_Nonnull)  image

add and use the image for virtual background.

Add and use virtual background result.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ addInterpreter:lan1:andLan2:()

- (BOOL) addInterpreter: (NSUInteger)  userID
lan1: (NSInteger)  lanID1
andLan2: (NSInteger)  lanID2 

Add someone as a interpreter.

userIDSpecify the user.
lanID1Specify the language1.
lanID2Specify the language2.
The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ addQuestion:anonymous:()

- (BOOL) addQuestion: (nonnull NSString *)  content
anonymous: (BOOL)  anonymous 

Add Quesion.

contentquestion content.
anonymousif true anonymously.
successs or not.
Only attendee can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ allowAskQuestionAnonymously:()

- (BOOL) allowAskQuestionAnonymously: (BOOL)  enable

Set if it is enabled to ask questions anonymously.

EnableEnable/Disable to ask questions anonymously.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run this function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ allowAttenddeTalk:allow:()

- (BOOL) allowAttenddeTalk: (NSUInteger)  userID
allow: (BOOL)  enable 

Allow attendee to talk in webinar.

userIdThe ID of user to be allowed
enableEnable/Disable to talk
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ allowAttendeeChat:()

- (BOOL) allowAttendeeChat: (MobileRTCChatAllowAttendeeChat)  privilegeType

Allow attendee to chat.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.
only webinar meeting can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ allowAttendeeUpVoteQuestion:()

- (BOOL) allowAttendeeUpVoteQuestion: (BOOL)  enable

Allow attendee to submit questions.

EnableAllow/Disallow attendee to submit question.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ allowAttendeeViewAllQuestion:()

- (BOOL) allowAttendeeViewAllQuestion: (BOOL)  enable

Allow attendee to view all question.

EnableEnable/Disable attendee to view all questions.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run this function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ allowCommentQuestion:()

- (BOOL) allowCommentQuestion: (BOOL)  enable

Allow attendee to comment question.

EnableAllow/Disallow attendee to comment question.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ allowPanelistStartVideo:()

- (BOOL) allowPanelistStartVideo: (BOOL)  enable

Allow Panelist to start video in Webinar.

enableEnable/Disable Panelist to start video.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ allowParticipantsToRename:()

- (void) allowParticipantsToRename: (BOOL)  allow

Set the meeting is allow participants to rename themselves.

Only meeting host/co-host can call the function.
Only in-meeting can call the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ allowParticipantsToUnmuteSelf:()

- (void) allowParticipantsToUnmuteSelf: (BOOL)  allow

Query if the meeting is allow participants to unmute themselves.

Only meeting host/co-host can call the function.
Only in-meeting can call the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ answerQuestionPrivate:answerContent:()

- (BOOL) answerQuestionPrivate: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID
answerContent: (nonnull NSString *)  answerContent 

Answer quesion in private.

questionIDquestion id.
contentquestion content.
destUserIDdestination userId.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ answerQuestionPublic:answerContent:()

- (BOOL) answerQuestionPublic: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID
answerContent: (nonnull NSString *)  answerContent 

Answer Quesion.

questionIDquestion id.
contentquestion content.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ appShareWithView:()

- (void) appShareWithView: (nonnull id)  view

Share a content.

viewThe view shared.
view, recommend to pass a single UIView's object, such as UIView, UIImageView or WKWebView.
It is not recommended to pass UIView after add subview WKWebView or UIImageView.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare).

◆ askAllToUnmute()

- (BOOL) askAllToUnmute

Ask to unmute audio of all attendees.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ askUserStartVideo:()

- (BOOL) askUserStartVideo: (NSUInteger)  userID

Host can use this function to demand user to start video.

userIDThe ID of user who needs to turn on video in meeting.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only host can run the function in the meeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ assignCohost:()

- (BOOL) assignCohost: (NSUInteger)  userID

Assign a user as co-host in meeting.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
The co-host cannot be assigned as co-host by himself. And the user should have the power to assign the role.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ attendeeInfoByID:()

- (nullable MobileRTCMeetingWebinarAttendeeInfo*) attendeeInfoByID: (NSUInteger)  userId

Get attendees' information in the webinar.

userIdattendee's ID in meeting.
attendee info, a MobileRTCMeetingWebinarAttendeeInfo object.
Only webinar meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ backZoomUIMeetingFromMinimizeMeeting()

- (BOOL) backZoomUIMeetingFromMinimizeMeeting

call the methond to back Zoom UI meeting when in minimize meeting.

The method only for Zoom UI

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ callRoomDevice:()

- (BOOL) callRoomDevice: (nonnull MobileRTCRoomDevice *)  device

The user calls out to invite the room device.

deviceThe room device.
YES means the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ canBeCoHost:()

- (BOOL) canBeCoHost: (NSUInteger)  userID

Query if the user can be assigned as co-host in meeting.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ cancelCallRoomDevice()

- (BOOL) cancelCallRoomDevice

Cancel to call room device.

YES means the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ cancelDialOut:()

- (BOOL) cancelDialOut: (BOOL)  isCallMe

Cancel to dial out.

isCallMeYES means Call Me; NO means inviting others by Phone.
YES means the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ canClaimhost()

- (BOOL) canClaimhost

Query if the current user can claim to be a host.

YES means that the current user can claim to be a host, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ canUnmuteMyAudio()

- (BOOL) canUnmuteMyAudio

Query if the user can unmute his audio.

YES means that he can unmute his audio, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ canUnmuteMyVideo()

- (BOOL) canUnmuteMyVideo

Query if user can unmute his video himself.

YES means able, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ changeAttendeeChatPriviledge:()

- (BOOL) changeAttendeeChatPriviledge: (MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledgeType)  type

set Attendee Chat Priviledge when in-meeting

YES means sucessfull, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.
only normal meeting(non webinar meeting) can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Chat).

◆ changeName:withUserID:()

- (BOOL) changeName: (nonnull NSString *)  inputName
withUserID: (NSUInteger)  userId 

Set to change user's screen name in meeting.

inputNameThe screen name displayed in meeting.
userIdUser ID.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Normal user can change his own screen name, while the host/co-host can change all attendees' names.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ claimHostWithHostKey:()

- (BOOL) claimHostWithHostKey: (nonnull NSString *)  hostKey

Set to claim to be a host by host key.

hostKeyHost key.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ commentQuestion:commentContent:()

- (BOOL) commentQuestion: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID
commentContent: (nonnull NSString *)  commentContent 

Attendee comment Quesion.

questionIDquestion id.
commentContentcomment content.
successs or not.
Only meeting attendee can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ configDSCPWithAudioValue:VideoValue:()

- (BOOL) configDSCPWithAudioValue: (NSUInteger)  audioValue
VideoValue: (NSUInteger)  videoValue 

Configure DSCP values for audio and video.

audioValueAudio values in the meeting.
videoValueVideo values in the meeting
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
The function should be invoked before meeting starts.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ connectMyAudio:()

- (BOOL) connectMyAudio: (BOOL)  on

Set whether to connect the audio in the meeting.

onYES means to connect, otherwise not.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ customizeMeetingTitle:()

- (void) customizeMeetingTitle: (NSString *_Nullable)  title

Set to customize the meeting title which will be displayed in the meeting bar.

titleThe topic/title of the meeting.
User should call the method before starting or joining the meeting if he wants to reset the title/topic of the meeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ deleteAnswer:()

- (BOOL) deleteAnswer: (nonnull NSString *)  answerID

delete answerID.

answerIDanswerID id.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ deleteQuestion:()

- (BOOL) deleteQuestion: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID

delete Quesion.

questionIDquestion id.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).



Share content with ReplayKit.

Available only for iOS 11 version minimum.
Once the interface has been called, the view will be updated 2.5s later than the operation. ReplayKit won't send the view out if the UI content does not change.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare).

◆ dePromptPanelist2Attendee:()

- (BOOL) dePromptPanelist2Attendee: (NSUInteger)  userID

Demote the panelist to attendee.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ dialInCall:()

- (BOOL) dialInCall: (nullable NSString *)  countryNumber

Make a phone call to access your voice.

YES means the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ dialOut:isCallMe:withName:()

- (BOOL) dialOut: (nonnull NSString *)  phone
isCallMe: (BOOL)  me
withName: (nullable NSString *)  username 

Start to dial out.

phoneThe phone number of destination, you should add the country code in front of the phone number, such as +86123456789.
meYES means Call Me; NO means inviting others by Phone.
usernameThe name of the user to be called.
YES means the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ dismissQuestion:()

- (BOOL) dismissQuestion: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID

Dismiss Quesion.

questionIDquestion id.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ enableGreenVB:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) enableGreenVB: (BOOL)  enable

Enable green virtual background mode.

enableor disable.
result of enable green virtual background.
only iPad support Virtual background GreenScreen, iPhone does not support the feature.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ endLiving:()

- (BOOL) endLiving: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID

endLiving Quesion.

questionIDquestion id.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getAllLanguageList()

- (NSArray <MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage *> * _Nullable) getAllLanguageList

Get the all interpretation language list.

If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the NSArray <MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage *>, Otherwise failed, the return value is nil.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ getALLQuestionCount()

- (int) getALLQuestionCount

Get the amount of all questions.

Amount of all questions.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getAllQuestionList()

- (nullable NSArray *) getAllQuestionList

Get all questions.

All questions list.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getAnswer:()

- (nullable MobileRTCQAAnswerItem *) getAnswer: (nonnull NSString *)  answerID

get answer item by questionID.

answerIDanswer id.
the answer item.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getAnsweredQuestionCount()

- (int) getAnsweredQuestionCount

Get the amount of answered questions.

Amount of open-ended questions.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getAnsweredQuestionList()

- (nullable NSArray *) getAnsweredQuestionList

Get Answered questions.

Answered questions list.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getAttendeeChatPriviledge()

- (MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledgeType) getAttendeeChatPriviledge

get Attendee Chat Priviledge when in-meeting

the result of attendee chat priviledge;

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Chat).

◆ getAvailableLanguageList()

- (NSArray <MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage *> * _Nullable) getAvailableLanguageList

Get the available interpretation language list.

If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the NSArray <MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage *>, Otherwise failed, the return value is nil.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ getBGImageList()

- (NSArray <MobileRTCVirtualBGImageInfo *>* _Nonnull) getBGImageList

get the virtual background list.

Return Narray of the items which include the None item.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ getDialInAllCountryCodes()

- (nullable NSArray *) getDialInAllCountryCodes

Get all countrycodes.

The array of all countrycode.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ getDialInCallCodesWithCountryId:()

- (nullable NSArray *) getDialInCallCodesWithCountryId: (nullable NSString *)  countryId

Get to the countrycode specified by countryId.

The array of countrycode.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ getDialInCurrentCountryCode()

- (nullable MobileRTCCallCountryCode *) getDialInCurrentCountryCode

Get countrycode for the current user's locale.

The object of MobileRTCCallCountryCode for user's locale.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ getDismissedQuestionCount()

- (int) getDismissedQuestionCount

Get the amount of dissmissed questions.

Amount of open-ended questions.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getDismissedQuestionList()

- (nullable NSArray *) getDismissedQuestionList

Get Dismissed questions.

Dismissed questions list.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getH323MeetingPassword()

- (nullable NSString*) getH323MeetingPassword

Get the password of the meeting running on H.323 device.

The meeting password. If no meeting is running, it will return nil.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ getInMeetingUserList()

- (nullable NSArray*) getInMeetingUserList

Get all the users in the meeting.

user id array, each user id is a NSNumber object.
For Webinar Meeting, returned list does not include Attendee User

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ getInterpretationLanguageByID:()

- (MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage * _Nullable) getInterpretationLanguageByID: (NSInteger)  lanID

Get the interpretation language object of specified language ID.

lanIDSpecify the language ID for which you want to get the information.
If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage, Otherwise failed, the return value is nil.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ getInterpreterActiveLan()

- (NSInteger) getInterpreterActiveLan

Get the active language ID, if myself is a interpreter.

The Active LanguageID..

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ getInterpreterLans()

- (NSArray <MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage *> * _Nullable) getInterpreterLans

Get languages if myself is a interpreter.

If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the NSArray NSArray <MobileRTCInterpretationLanguage *>, Otherwise failed, the return value is nil.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ getInterpreterList()

- (NSArray <MobileRTCMeetingInterpreter *> * _Nullable) getInterpreterList

Get the interpreters list.

If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the NSArray <MobileRTCMeetingInterpreter *>, Otherwise failed, the return value is nil.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ getIPAddressList()

- (nullable NSArray*) getIPAddressList

Get an array of IP Addresses of room device which is used for calling.

The array of IP Address; if there is no existed IP Address, it will return nil.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ getJoinedLanguageID()

- (NSInteger) getJoinedLanguageID

Get the language ID which myself is in.

The LanguageID.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ getLiveStreamURL()

- (nullable NSDictionary*) getLiveStreamURL

Get live stream server URL.

The dictionary of live stream URL if the function succeeds.
The function is available only for host. For Facebook Live Stream Service, fb_workplace action the key in Dictionary For Custom Live Stream Service, custom action the key in Dictionary

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ getMeetingPassword()

- (NSString *_Nullable) getMeetingPassword

Get current meeting's password.

The current meeting's password

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ getMeetingState()

- (MobileRTCMeetingState) getMeetingState

Get the current meeting state.

Current meeting state.

◆ getMyQuestionCount()

- (int) getMyQuestionCount

Get the amount of my questions.

Amount of open-ended questions.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getMyQuestionList()

- (nullable NSArray *) getMyQuestionList

Get My questions.

My questions list.
Only attendee can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getOpenQuestionCount()

- (int) getOpenQuestionCount

Get the amount of Open questions.

Amount of open-ended questions.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getOpenQuestionList()

- (nullable NSArray *) getOpenQuestionList

Get Open questions.

Open questions list.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getParticipantID()

- (NSUInteger) getParticipantID

Get Participant ID.

The Participant ID.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ getQuestion:()

- (nullable MobileRTCQAItem *) getQuestion: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID

get question item by questionID.

questionIDquestion id.
the question item.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ getRoomDeviceList()

- (nullable NSArray*) getRoomDeviceList

Get room devices that can be called.

The array of room devices. If there is no any room device. it will return nil.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ getUserVideoSize:()

- (CGSize) getUserVideoSize: (NSUInteger)  userID

Get the size of user's video.

userIDThe ID of user in the meeting
The size of user's video.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ getWebinarAttendeeList()

- (nullable NSArray*) getWebinarAttendeeList

Get all the attendees in the webinar.

user id array, each Attendee id is a NSNumber object.
Only webinar meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ handleE2EMeetingKey:withLeaveMeeting:()

- (BOOL) handleE2EMeetingKey: (nonnull NSArray *)  keyArray
withLeaveMeeting: (BOOL)  leave 

Set custom meeting session key.

keyArrayThe array of meeting session keys.
leaveYES means leaving meeting directly, otherwise not.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
The method is optional.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ handZoomWebUrl:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) handZoomWebUrl: (nonnull NSString *)  meetingUrl

Start or join a ZOOM meeting with zoom web url.

meetingUrlzoom web meeting url.
The state of the meeting, started or failed.

◆ hasPromptAndDePromptPrivilige()

- (BOOL) hasPromptAndDePromptPrivilige

Query if the user has the privilege to prompt or demote users in the webinar.

YES means that user owns the privilege, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ hideFullPhoneNumberForPureCallInUser:()

- (BOOL) hideFullPhoneNumberForPureCallInUser: (BOOL)  bHide

Set to hide the Full Phone Number of purely Call-in User.

bHideYES means hide, otherwise not.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
The method should be invoked before meeting starts.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ hideMobileRTCMeeting:()

- (BOOL) hideMobileRTCMeeting: (void(^)(void))  completion

Set to hide the UI of meeting.

completionUser can do other operations once the meeting UI hide.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
The method does not work if you have set mobileRTCRootController via [MobileRTC setMobileRTCRootController]

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isAllowAskQuestionAnonymously()

- (BOOL) isAllowAskQuestionAnonymously

Query if it is allowed to ask question anonymously in webinar.

YES means allowed, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ isAllowAttendeeTalk:()

- (BOOL) isAllowAttendeeTalk: (NSUInteger)  userID

Query if attendee is allowed to talk in Webinar Meeting.

userIdThe ID of user to be allowed.
YES means allowed, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ isAllowAttendeeUpVoteQuestion()

- (BOOL) isAllowAttendeeUpVoteQuestion

Query if attendee is allowed to submit questions.

YES means allowed, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ isAllowAttendeeViewAllQuestion()

- (BOOL) isAllowAttendeeViewAllQuestion

Query if attendee is allowed to view all question.

YES means allowed, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ isAllowCommentQuestion()

- (BOOL) isAllowCommentQuestion

Query if attendee is allowed to comment questions.

YES means allowed, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ isAllowPanelistStartVideo()

- (BOOL) isAllowPanelistStartVideo

Query if Panelist can start video in Webinar Meeting.

YES means able, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ isAnnotationOff()

- (BOOL) isAnnotationOff

Notify the current user if he can annotate.

YES means able, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare).

◆ isBackCamera()

- (BOOL) isBackCamera

Query if user is using back camera.

YES means using Back camera, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ isCallingRoomDevice()

- (BOOL) isCallingRoomDevice

Query if it is in process to call room device.

YES means calling room device in process, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ isCallRoomDeviceSupported()

- (BOOL) isCallRoomDeviceSupported

Query if it is able to Call Room device(H.323).

YES means able, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ isChatDisabled()

- (BOOL) isChatDisabled

Query if the chat is disabled in the meeting.

YES means disabled, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Chat).

◆ isCMREnabled()

- (BOOL) isCMREnabled

Notify if the cloud recording is enabled.

YES means enabled, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isCMRInProgress()

- (BOOL) isCMRInProgress

Notify if the cloud recording is in progress.

YES means the cloud recording is in progress, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isCMRPaused()

- (BOOL) isCMRPaused

Notify if the cloud recording is paused.

YES means that the cloud recording is paused, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isDialOutInProgress()

- (BOOL) isDialOutInProgress

Query if there is any outgoing call in process.

YES means that there is outgoing call in process.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ isDialOutSupported()

- (BOOL) isDialOutSupported

Query if user can dial out in the meeting.

YES means able, No disable.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ isDirectAppShareMeeting()

- (BOOL) isDirectAppShareMeeting

Query if the current meeting is enabled with App share.

YES means that meeting starts by App share, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare).

◆ isExternalMeeting()

- (BOOL) isExternalMeeting

Query if the meeting is external or not.

YES means external, otherwise not.
The method is optional.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isFailoverMeeting()

- (BOOL) isFailoverMeeting

Query if the meeting is failover.

YES means failover, otherwise not.
The method is optional.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isH323User:()

- (BOOL) isH323User: (NSUInteger)  userID

Query if the user join meeting from H323.

userIDThe ID of user.
TRUE means user join meeting from H323. FALSE not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ isHostUser:()

- (BOOL) isHostUser: (NSUInteger)  userID

Query if the user is host.

userIDThe ID of user.
YES means that the user is the host, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ isInternalMeeting()

- (BOOL) isInternalMeeting

Query if the meeting is internal or not.

YES means internal, otherwise not.
The method is optional.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isMajorAudioTurnOff()

- (BOOL) isMajorAudioTurnOff

Determine if the major audio is off.

The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ isMeetingCoHost()

- (BOOL) isMeetingCoHost

Query if the current user is the co-host of the meeting.

YES means that the current user is the co-host of the meeting, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isMeetingHost()

- (BOOL) isMeetingHost

Query if the current user is the host of the meeting.

YES means that the current user is the host of the meeting, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isMeetingLocked()

- (BOOL) isMeetingLocked

Notify if the meeting is locked by host. Once the meeting is locked, other users out of the meeting can no longer join it.

YES means that the meeting is locked by host, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isMuteOnEntryOn()

- (BOOL) isMuteOnEntryOn

Query if is enabled to mute attendees when they join the meeting.

YES means enabled, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ isMyAudioMuted()

- (BOOL) isMyAudioMuted

Query if the audio of the current user is muted.

YES means muted, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ isMyself:()

- (BOOL) isMyself: (NSUInteger)  userID

Query if the ID is the current user's.

userIDThe ID of user to be checked.
TRUE means user himself. FALSE not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ isParticipantsRenameAllowed()

- (BOOL) isParticipantsRenameAllowed

Query if the meeting is allow participants to rename themselves.

Only meeting host/co-host can call the function.
Only in-meeting can call the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isParticipantsUnmuteSelfAllowed()

- (BOOL) isParticipantsUnmuteSelfAllowed

Query if the meeting is allow participants to unmute themselves.

Only meeting host/co-host can call the function.
Only in-meeting can call the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isPlayChimeOn()

- (BOOL) isPlayChimeOn

Query if chime is enabled when user joins/leaves meeting.

YES means enabled, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ isPrivateChatDisabled()

- (BOOL) isPrivateChatDisabled

Query if it is able to send private chat in the meeting.

YES means disabled, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Chat).

◆ isQAEnabled()

- (BOOL) isQAEnabled

Query if Q&A is enabled.

YES means that Q&A is enabled, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isSameUser:compareTo:()

- (BOOL) isSameUser: (NSUInteger)  user1
compareTo: (NSUInteger)  user2 

Judge if the two IDs from different sessions are of the same user.

user1One user ID in meeting
user2Another user ID in meeting
YES means the same user.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ isSendingMyVideo()

- (BOOL) isSendingMyVideo

Query if the user is sending video.

YES means sending, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ isShareLocked()

- (BOOL) isShareLocked

Notify if the share is locked by host. Once the meeting is locked by the host/co-host, other user can not share except the host/co-host.

YES means that the screen share is locked by host, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isStartingShare()

- (BOOL) isStartingShare

Notify the current user if he is sharing.

YES means that the current user is sharing, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare).

◆ isSupportedVOIP()

- (BOOL) isSupportedVOIP

Query if the meeting supports VoIP.

YES means supported, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ isSupportSmartVirtualBG()

- (BOOL) isSupportSmartVirtualBG

is Support smart virtual background.

YES mean support, you can use it.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ isSupportVirtualBG()

- (BOOL) isSupportVirtualBG

is support virtual background.

YES mean support, you can use it.
device should be iPhone 8/ 8 plus X or above or be iPad Pro 9.7 above, OS should be iOS 11 or above.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ isUserAudioMuted:()

- (BOOL) isUserAudioMuted: (NSUInteger)  userID

Query if the user's audio is muted.

userIDThe ID of user to be checked.
YES means muted, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ isUserPinned:()

- (BOOL) isUserPinned: (NSUInteger)  userId

Query if the user's video is pinned.

userIdThe ID of user whose video will be pinned in the meeting.
YES means that the user's video is pinned, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ isUserSpotlighted:()

- (BOOL) isUserSpotlighted: (NSUInteger)  userId

Query if user's video is spotlighted. Once the user's video is spotlighted, it will show only the specified video in the meeting instead of active user's.

userIdThe ID of user in meeting.
YES means spotlighted, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ isUserVideoSending:()

- (BOOL) isUserVideoSending: (NSUInteger)  userID

Query if user's video is being sent.

userIDThe ID of user whose video will be sent in meeting
YES means that the video is being sent, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ isUsingGreenVB()

- (BOOL) isUsingGreenVB

is using green virtual background.

Return yes if using green virtual background.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ isViewingShare()

- (BOOL) isViewingShare

Notify the current user if he is viewing the share.

YES means that user is viewing the share, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare).

◆ isWebinarAttendee()

- (BOOL) isWebinarAttendee

Query if the current user is the webinar attendee of the meeting.

YES means that the current user is the webinar attendee of the meeting, otherwise not.
only for webinar meeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isWebinarMeeting()

- (BOOL) isWebinarMeeting

Query if the meeting is Webinar.

YES means Webinar, otherwise not.
It will return NO as MobileRTCMeetingState is not equal to MobileRTCMeetingState_InMeeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ isWebinarPanelist()

- (BOOL) isWebinarPanelist

Query if the current user is the webinar panelist of the meeting.

YES means that the current user is the webinar panelist of the meeting, otherwise not.
only for webinar meeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ joinLanguageChannel:()

- (BOOL) joinLanguageChannel: (NSInteger)  lanID

Join some language channel.

lanIDSpecify the language channel.
The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ joinMeetingWithDictionary:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) joinMeetingWithDictionary: ("Will be deleted in the next release. Please use joinMeetingWithJoinParam instead")  DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE

Use it to join a meeting with parameters in a dictionary.

dictThe dictionary which contains the meeting parameters.
The state of the meeting, started or failed.
If app is in callkit mode, set parameter:kMeetingParam_Username to empty. CallKit lets you integrate your calling services with other call-related apps on the system.

◆ joinMeetingWithJoinParam:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) joinMeetingWithJoinParam: (nonnull MobileRTCMeetingJoinParam *)  param

Use it to join a meeting with MobileRTCMeetingJoinParam parameter.

paramCreate an instance with right information via.
The state of the meeting, started or failed.
If app is in callkit mode, set parameter:userName to empty. CallKit lets you integrate your calling services with other call-related apps on the system.

◆ leaveMeetingWithCmd:()

- (void) leaveMeetingWithCmd: (LeaveMeetingCmd)  cmd

End/Leave the current meeting.

cmdThe command for leaving the current meeting. Only host can end the meeting.

◆ lockMeeting:()

- (BOOL) lockMeeting: (BOOL)  lock

Set to lock the meeting.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can call the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ lockShare:()

- (BOOL) lockShare: (BOOL)  lock

Set to lock the share.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can call the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ lowerAllHand()

- (BOOL) lowerAllHand

Set to put all users' hands down.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ lowerHand:()

- (BOOL) lowerHand: (NSUInteger)  userId

Put hands down of the current user.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ makeHost:()

- (BOOL) makeHost: (NSUInteger)  userId

Assign a user as the host in meeting.

userIdThe ID of user who is specified as host in meeting.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
only meeting host can run this function, and userId should not be myself.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ meetingChatByID:()

- (nullable MobileRTCMeetingChat*) meetingChatByID: (nonnull NSString *)  messageID

Get in-meeting chat message.

messageIDThe ID of the message sent in the meeting.
The instance of in-meeting chat.
The method is optional.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Chat).

◆ meetingView()

- (UIView * _Nullable) meetingView

This method will return the view of meeting UI, which provide an access which allow customer to add their own view in the meeting UI.

The view of current meeting; if there is no ongoing meeting, it will return nil.
Only valid in non-custom UI(Only valid in ZOOM meeting UI).

◆ modifyInterpreter:lan1:andLan2:()

- (BOOL) modifyInterpreter: (NSUInteger)  userID
lan1: (NSInteger)  lanID1
andLan2: (NSInteger)  lanID2 

modify the language of some interpreter.

userIDSpecify the interpreter.
lanID1Specify the new language1.
lanID2Specify the new language2.
The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ muteAllUserAudio:()

- (BOOL) muteAllUserAudio: (BOOL)  allowSelfUnmute

Set to mute audio of all attendees.

allowSelfUnmuteYES means that attendee can unmute the audio himself, otherwise not.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ muteMyAudio:()

- (MobileRTCAudioError) muteMyAudio: (BOOL)  mute

Set to mute the audio of the current user.

muteYES means the audio is muted, otherwise not.
The result of operation, muted or not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ muteMyVideo:()

- (MobileRTCVideoError) muteMyVideo: (BOOL)  mute

Set to mute video of the current user.

muteYES means to mute video of the current user, otherwise not.
The result of operation.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ muteOnEntry:()

- (BOOL) muteOnEntry: (BOOL)  on

Set if attendees join the meeting with audio muted.

YES means muted, otherwise not.
Only meeting host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ muteUserAudio:withUID:()

- (BOOL) muteUserAudio: (BOOL)  mute
withUID: (NSUInteger)  userID 

Set whether to mute user's audio.

muteYES means to mute, otherwise not.
userIDThe ID of user.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ myAudioOutputDescription()

- (MobileRTCAudioOutput) myAudioOutputDescription

Set to retrieve the audio output type of the current user.

The descriptions of audio output types.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ myAudioType()

- (MobileRTCAudioType) myAudioType

Get the in-meeting audio type of the current user.

The audio type.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ myselfUserID()

- (NSUInteger) myselfUserID

Get the ID of the current user in the meeting.

The ID of the current user.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ pinVideo:withUser:()

- (BOOL) pinVideo: (BOOL)  on
withUser: (NSUInteger)  userId 

Set whether to pin user's video or not.

onYES means to pin user's video, otherwise not.
userIdThe ID of user whose video will be pinned.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ playChime:()

- (BOOL) playChime: (BOOL)  on

Set whether chime are enabled when the user joins/leaves meeting.

YES means enabled, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/cohost can run the function when in meeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Audio).

◆ presentMeetingChatViewController:userId:()

- (BOOL) presentMeetingChatViewController: (nonnull UIViewController *)  parentVC
userId: (NSInteger)  userId 

Set to present Zoom original Meeting Chat ViewController.

parentVCwhich use to present ViewController.
userIduserId of the user you would like to chat.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
If userId = 0 or nil, it will send to everyone.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ presentParticipantsViewController:()

- (BOOL) presentParticipantsViewController: (nonnull UIViewController *)  parentVC

Set to present Zoom original Participants ViewController.

parentVCwhich use to present ViewController
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ presentQAViewController:()

- (BOOL) presentQAViewController: (nonnull UIViewController *)  parentVC

Set to present Zoom original Q&A ViewController.

parentVCwhich use to present ViewController
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ promptAttendee2Panelist:()

- (BOOL) promptAttendee2Panelist: (NSUInteger)  userID

Prompt Attendee to Panelist in Webinar.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ queryNetworkQuality:withDataFlow:()

- (MobileRTCNetworkQuality) queryNetworkQuality: (MobileRTCComponentType)  type
withDataFlow: (BOOL)  sending 

Check in-meeting network status.

typeMeeting component types, now we can only query three components network status: MobileRTCComponentType_AUDIO, MobileRTCComponentType_VIDEO and MobileRTCComponentType_AS
sending,ifYES means that query sending data; if NO means that query receiving data
the level of network quality.
The method is optional, you can query the network quality of audio, video and sharing.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ raiseMyHand()

- (BOOL) raiseMyHand

Raise hand of the current user.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ removeBGImage:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) removeBGImage: (MobileRTCVirtualBGImageInfo *_Nonnull)  bgImageInfo

Remove image item form image list.

Will use the previous one for virtual background.

Remove result.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ removeInterpreter:()

- (BOOL) removeInterpreter: (NSUInteger)  userID

Remove some interpreter.

userIDSpecify the interpreter.
The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ removeUser:()

- (BOOL) removeUser: (NSUInteger)  userId

Remove a user from the meeting.

userIdThe ID of user to be removed from the meeting.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
The method is available only for the host, and the host can not remove himself.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ reopenQuestion:()

- (BOOL) reopenQuestion: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID

Reopen Quesion.

questionIDquestion id.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ resumePauseCMR()

- (BOOL) resumePauseCMR

Set to pause/resume cloud recording in the meeting.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ revokeCoHost:()

- (BOOL) revokeCoHost: (NSUInteger)  userID

Revoke co-host role of another user in meeting.

YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ selectGreenVBPoint:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) selectGreenVBPoint: (CGPoint)  point

Select the point that regard as background.

pointin preview view.
result of set background point action.
only iPad support Virtual background GreenScreen, iPhone does not support the feature.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ sendChatToGroup:WithContent:()

- (MobileRTCSendChatError) sendChatToGroup: (MobileRTCChatGroup)  group
WithContent: (nonnull NSString *)  content 

Send message to group in the meeting.

groupGroup type in the meeting, see MobileRTCChatGroup.
contentThe message to be sent.
The result of sending the message.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Chat).

◆ sendChatToUser:WithContent:()

- (MobileRTCSendChatError) sendChatToUser: (NSUInteger)  userID
WithContent: (nonnull NSString *)  content 

Send chat message to the specified user in the meeting.

userIDThe ID of user who receives message in the meeting.
contentThe message to be sent.
The result of sending the message.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Chat).

◆ sendPairingCode:WithMeetingNumber:()

- (BOOL) sendPairingCode: (nonnull NSString *)  code
WithMeetingNumber: (unsigned long long)  meetingNumber 

Get the pairing code when the room device call in.

codeThe pairing code which enable the device connect to the meeting.
meetingNumberThe number of meeting.
YES means the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
App can invite Room System while App is in Meeting or in pre-Meeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ setInterpreterActiveLan:()

- (BOOL) setInterpreterActiveLan: (NSInteger)  activeLanID

Set a language channel which myself will be in, if myself is a interpreter.

activeLanIDSpecify the active language.
The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ setMeetingTopic:()

- (BOOL) setMeetingTopic: (NSString *_Nonnull)  meetingTopic

Set to customize the meeting topic which will be displayed in the meeting info view.

topicThe topic of the meeting.
only meeting original host can call the function.
only in-meeting can call the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Customize).

◆ showMeetingControlBar()

- (void) showMeetingControlBar

If you add a full-screen view to our zoom meeting UI, you can display the control bar by this method when the control bar is hidden.

The zoom meeting UI is only valid, the customized UI is invalid.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ showMinimizeMeetingFromZoomUIMeeting()

- (BOOL) showMinimizeMeetingFromZoomUIMeeting

call the method to show Minimize meeting when in Zoom UI meeting.

The method only for Zoom UI.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ showMobileRTCMeeting:()

- (BOOL) showMobileRTCMeeting: (void(^)(void))  completion

Set to show UI of meeting.

completionUser can do other operations once the meeting UI comes out.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
The method does not work if you have set mobileRTCRootController via [MobileRTC setMobileRTCRootController]

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ spotlightVideo:withUser:()

- (BOOL) spotlightVideo: (BOOL)  on
withUser: (NSUInteger)  userId 

Set whether to spotlight user's video.

onYES means to spotlight user's video; NO means that spotlight user's video will be canceled.
userIdThe ID of user whose video will be spotlighted in the meeting.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host can run the function, and user spotlighted should not be the host himself.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ startAppShare()

- (BOOL) startAppShare

Set to enable App share.

YES means starting App share successfully, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare).

◆ startInterpretation()

- (BOOL) startInterpretation

Start interpretation.

The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ startLiveStreamWithStreamingURL:StreamingKey:BroadcastURL:()

- (BOOL) startLiveStreamWithStreamingURL: (nonnull NSString *)  streamingURL
StreamingKey: (nonnull NSString *)  key
BroadcastURL: (nonnull NSString *)  broadcastURL 

Set to start Live Stream.

streamingURLThe live stream URL by which you can live the meeting.
keyStream key offered by the third platform on which you want to live stream your meeting.
broadcastURLThe URL of live stream page.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only meeting host can start live Stream successfully.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ startLiving:()

- (BOOL) startLiving: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID

startLiving Quesion.

questionIDquestion id.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

◆ startMeetingWithDictionary:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) startMeetingWithDictionary: ("Will be deleted in the next release. Please use startMeetingWithStartParam instead")  DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE

Start a meeting with parameters in the dictionary.

If the user type is MobileRTCUserType_APIUser, the parameters in dictionary should cover kMeetingParam_UserID, kMeetingParam_UserType, kMeetingParam_Username, kMeetingParam_MeetingNumber; if the user type is MobileRTCUserType_ZoomUser/MobileRTCUserType_SSOUser, the parameters in dictionary should cover kMeetingParam_UserType and kMeetingParam_MeetingNumber(optional, it will be an instant meeting if user did not fill the meeting number).
dictThe dictionary contains the meeting parameters.
The state of the meeting, started or failed.
If you start a meeting with wrong parameters, it will return MobileRTCMeetError_InvalidArguments.

◆ startMeetingWithStartParam:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) startMeetingWithStartParam: (nonnull MobileRTCMeetingStartParam *)  param

Start a meeting with MobileRTCMeetingStartParam parameter.

For non-logged-in user, create an instance via MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser to pass the parameters. For logged-in user, create an instance via MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4LoginlUser to pass the parameters.
paramCreate an instance with right information via MobileRTCMeetingStartParam.
The state of the meeting, started or failed.
If you start a meeting with wrong parameters, it will return MobileRTCMeetError_InvalidArguments.

◆ startPreviewWithFrame:()

- (BOOL) startPreviewWithFrame: (CGRect)  frame

Start preview for inspect the virtual background effect.

YES mean preview is ready.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ stopInterpretation()

- (BOOL) stopInterpretation

Stop interpretation.

The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ stopLiveStream()

- (BOOL) stopLiveStream

Set to stop live streaming.

YES means stopping live streaming successfully, otherwise not.
The function is available only for host.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ stopUserVideo:()

- (BOOL) stopUserVideo: (NSUInteger)  userID

Set to stop user's video.

userIDThe ID of other users except the host in the meeting.
YES means that the method is called successfully, otherwise not.
Only host can run the function in the meeting.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ suspendSharing:()

- (BOOL) suspendSharing: (BOOL)  suspend

suspend sharing.

YES means sucessful, otherwise not.
When the customer goes to share a content, consider the pressure of device performance, and use this method to pause share when UI changes, and resume share when UI changes stop, see WebViewController.m in sample project.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(AppShare).

◆ switchMyCamera()

- (MobileRTCCameraError) switchMyCamera

Set to Switch the camera of the current user in local device.

The result of operation.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Video).

◆ turnOffMajorAudio()

- (BOOL) turnOffMajorAudio

Turn off the major audio, if you are in some interpreter language channel.

The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ turnOnCMR:()

- (void) turnOnCMR: (BOOL)  on

Set to turn on/off the cloud recording in the meeting.

onYES means to turn on cloud recording, otherwise not.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(InMeeting).

◆ turnOnMajorAudio()

- (BOOL) turnOnMajorAudio

Turn on the major audio, if you are in some interpreter language channel.

The result of the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Interpretation).

◆ useBGImage:()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) useBGImage: (MobileRTCVirtualBGImageInfo *_Nonnull)  bgImage

use the specify image item for virtual background.

The result of use image item.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ useNoneImage()

- (MobileRTCMeetError) useNoneImage

Disable the virtrual background, same as use a none image item.

The result of disable virtual background.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(VirtualBackground).

◆ userInfoByID:()

- (nullable MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo*) userInfoByID: (NSUInteger)  userId

Get user information in the meeting.

userIdIn-meeting user ID.
User information.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(User).

◆ voteupQuestion:voteup:()

- (BOOL) voteupQuestion: (nonnull NSString *)  questionID
voteup: (BOOL)  voteup 

Vote up Quesion.

questionIDquestion id.
successs or not.
Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.

Provided by category MobileRTCMeetingService(Webinar).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: