Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAudioRawDataThe audio raw data handler interface
 CH323DeviceInfoH.323 device information
 CIYUVRawDataI420ConverterI420 YUV raw data converter interface
 CYUVRawDataI420The YUV raw data handler interface
 CZoomSDKAnnotationControllerZOOM UI annotation class
 CZoomSDKASControllerZOOM share controller
 C<ZoomSDKASControllerDelegate>Callback of annotation events
 CZoomSDKAuthServiceCallback event of ZOOM SDK authorization. Authorize Zoom SDK and the custom application with the key/secret before usage. Once authorize successfully, ZoomSDKAuthDelegate will return ZoomSDKAuthError_Success via onZoomSDKAuthReturn
 CZoomSDKChatInfoZOOM SDK chat information
 CZoomSDKJoinMeetingHelperJoin meeting helper
 CZoomSDKLiveStreamItemZOOM SDK live stream item
 CZoomSDKMeetingServiceIt is an implementation for client to start/join a Meeting
 CZoomSDKShareInfoZOOM share information class
 CZoomSDKShareSourceZOOM share source class
 CZoomSDKSplitScreenInfoZOOM SDK split screen information class
 CZoomSDKUserAudioStautsZOOM SDK audio information
 CZoomSDKUserInfoZOOM SDK user information
 CZoomSDKWebinarAttendeeStatusZOOM SDK Attendee's status in the webinar
 CZoomSDKWebinarControllerWebinar controller interface