6 #ifndef _MEETING_QA_CTRL_INTERFACE_H_ 7 #define _MEETING_QA_CTRL_INTERFACE_H_ 8 #include "..\zoom_sdk_def.h" 10 BEGIN_ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE
36 virtual const wchar_t*
GetText() = 0;
79 virtual const wchar_t*
GetText() = 0;
146 virtual void OnAddQuestion(
const wchar_t* questionID,
bool bSuccess) = 0;
151 virtual void OnAddAnswer(
const wchar_t* answerID,
bool bSuccess) = 0;
180 virtual void OnUpvoteQuestion(
const wchar_t* question_id,
bool order_changed) = 0;
virtual void OnReceiveAnswer(const wchar_t *answerID)=0
Callback event of receiving answer.
virtual SDKError AnswerQuestionPublic(const wchar_t *questionID, const wchar_t *answerContent)=0
The host answers the question publicly.
virtual void OnReopenQuestion(const wchar_t *question_id)=0
Callback event of reopening question.
virtual void OnAllowAttendeeVoteupQuestionStatus(bool bEnabled)=0
Callback event of enabling attendee to vote up questions.
virtual bool IsAnonymous()=0
Determine if the question is anonymous.
virtual SDKError StartLiving(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
Set the question can be answered live.
virtual SDKError SetEvent(IMeetingQAControllerEvent *pEvent)=0
Set the meeting q&a controller callback event handler.
virtual bool IsQACommentEnabled()=0
Determine if enabled to comment question.
virtual bool IsSenderMyself()=0
Determine if the question's sender is the user himself or not.
virtual bool IsLiveAnswer()=0
Determine if the answer is live or not.
virtual bool IsMySelfUpvoted()=0
Determine if the user himself is an up_voter of the question or not.
virtual bool HasLiveAnswers()=0
Determine if the question has live answers or not.
virtual time_t GetTimeStamp()=0
Get the timestamp of the answer.
virtual const wchar_t * GetQuestionID()=0
Get the question id.
virtual unsigned int GetUpvoteNum()=0
Get the number of the up_voters of the question.
Meeting q&a controller interface class.
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:217
Disconnected because of conflict.
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:21
virtual SDKError AddQuestion(const wchar_t *questionContent, bool bAskAnonymous)=0
The attendee adds a question.
virtual void OnReceiveQuestion(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
Callback event of receiving question.
virtual SDKError ReopenQuestion(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
The host reopens the question.
Definition: zoom_sdk_def.h:288
virtual const wchar_t * GetSenderName()=0
Get the sender's name of the question.
virtual int GetAnsweredQuestionCount()=0
Get the count of the answered questions.
virtual SDKError EnableAnonnymousQuestion(bool bEnable)=0
Enable or disable to ask question anonymously.
virtual const wchar_t * GetText()=0
Get the text of the answer.
Meeting q&a callback event.
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:136
virtual void OnQAConnectStatus(QAConnectStatus connectStatus)=0
Callback event of Q&A connecting status.
virtual void OnAllowAttendeeViewAllQuestionStatus(bool bEnabled)=0
Callback event of enabling attendee to view all questions.
virtual void OnUpvoteQuestion(const wchar_t *question_id, bool order_changed)=0
Callback event of voting up question.
virtual void OnUserLivingReply(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
Callback event of user answering live.
virtual void OnRevokeUpvoteQuestion(const wchar_t *question_id, bool order_changed)=0
Callback event of revoking voting up question.
virtual void OnQuestionMarkedAsDismissed(const wchar_t *question_id)=0
Callback event of marking question as dismissed.
virtual bool IsPrivate()=0
Determine if the answer is private or not.
Information category for Q&A connecting. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:16
virtual void OnAllowAskQuestionAnonymousStatus(bool bEnabled)=0
Callback event of enabling to ask question anonymously.
virtual IList< IQAItemInfo * > * GetDismissedQuestionList()=0
Get the list of the dismissed questions.
SDK error types. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
Definition: zoom_sdk_def.h:29
virtual SDKError VoteupQuestion(const wchar_t *questionID, bool bVokeup)=0
Vote up or revoke voting up the question.
virtual void OnDeleteAnswer(IList< const wchar_t *> *lstAnswerID)=0
Callback event of deleting answer(s).
virtual SDKError EndLiving(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
Set the question can not be answered live.
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:19
virtual SDKError EnableAttendeeViewAllQuestion(bool bEnable)=0
Enable or disable the attendees to view all the questions.
virtual IAnswerItem * GetAnswer(const wchar_t *answerID)=0
Get a certain answer.
virtual bool IsQAVoteupEnabled()=0
Determine if enabled to vote up question.
virtual bool IsLiveAnswering()=0
Determine if the question is being answered live or not.
virtual void OnDeleteQuestion(IList< const wchar_t *> *lstQuestionID)=0
Callback event of deleting question(s).
virtual const wchar_t * GetSenderName()=0
Get the sender's name of the answer.
virtual void OnAllowAttendeeCommentQuestionStatus(bool bEnabled)=0
Callback event of enabling attendee to comment questions.
virtual IList< IQAItemInfo * > * GetOpenQuestionList()=0
Get the list of the opened questions.
virtual SDKError CommentQuestion(const wchar_t *questionID, const wchar_t *commentContent)=0
The attendee comments a question.
virtual void OnAddAnswer(const wchar_t *answerID, bool bSuccess)=0
Callback event of adding answer.
virtual bool IsAttendeeCanViewAllQuestions()=0
Determine if the attendee can view all the questions.
virtual bool IsMarkedAsDismissed()=0
Determine if the question is marked as dismissed.
virtual SDKError EnableQAVoteup(bool bEnable)=0
Enable or disable to vote up question.
virtual bool IsSenderMyself()=0
Determine whether the answer's sender is the user himself or not.
virtual time_t GetTimeStamp()=0
Get the timestamp of the question.
virtual IList< IAnswerItem * > * GetAnswerList()=0
Get the list of all the answers to the question.
virtual bool AmILiveAnswering()=0
Determine if the user himself is answering the question live or not.
virtual const wchar_t * GetText()=0
Get the text of the question.
virtual SDKError EnableQAComment(bool bEnable)=0
Enable or disable to comment question.
Question item interface class.
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:64
virtual IList< IQAItemInfo * > * GetAnsweredQuestionList()=0
Get the list of the answered questions.
virtual const wchar_t * GetLiveAnswerName()=0
Get all the users' names who answers the question live.
virtual const wchar_t * GetQuestionID()=0
Get the related question's id of the answer.
virtual SDKError AnswerQuestionPrivate(const wchar_t *questionID, const wchar_t *answerContent)=0
The host answers the question to the question sender privately.
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:20
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:18
virtual bool IsAskQuestionAnonymouslyEnabled()=0
Determine if enabled to ask question anonymously.
virtual IList< IQAItemInfo * > * GetMyQuestionList()=0
Get the list of all the questions that the attendee himself added.
virtual bool HasTextAnswers()=0
Determine if the question has text answers or not.
virtual IList< IQAItemInfo * > * GetAllQuestionList()=0
Get the list of all the questions.
virtual int GetDismissedQuestionCount()=0
Get the count of the dismissed questions.
virtual bool IsMarkedAsAnswered()=0
Determine if the question is marked as answered.
virtual IQAItemInfo * GetQuestion(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
Get a certain question.
virtual void OnUserEndLiving(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
Callback event of end of user answering live.
virtual int GetMyQuestionCount()=0
Get the question count of the attendee himself.
virtual void OnAddQuestion(const wchar_t *questionID, bool bSuccess)=0
Callback event of adding question.
virtual bool IsQAEnabled()=0
Determine if the meeting q&a service is enabled.
Answer item interface class.
Definition: meeting_qa_ctrl_interface.h:25
virtual int GetOpenQuestionCount()=0
Get the count of the opened questions.
virtual const wchar_t * GetAnswerID()=0
Get the answer id.
virtual SDKError DeleteAnswer(const wchar_t *answerID)=0
The host deletes the answerID.
virtual void OnRefreshQAData()=0
Callback event of refreshing q&a data.
virtual SDKError DismissQuestion(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
The host dismisses the question.
virtual SDKError DeleteQuestion(const wchar_t *questionID)=0
The host deletes the question.