6 #ifndef _MEETING_ParticipantsCtrl_INTERFACE_H_ 7 #define _MEETING_ParticipantsCtrl_INTERFACE_H_ 8 #include "..\zoom_sdk_def.h" 10 BEGIN_ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE
154 virtual void onUserNameChanged(
unsigned int userId,
const wchar_t* userName) = 0;
200 virtual SDKError ChangeUserName(
const unsigned int userid,
const wchar_t* userName,
bool bSaveUserName) = 0;
270 virtual SDKError AllowParticipantsToRename(
bool bAllow) = 0;
272 virtual bool IsParticipantsRenameAllowed() = 0;
274 virtual SDKError AllowParticipantsToUnmuteSelf(
bool bAllow) = 0;
276 virtual bool IsParticipantsUnmuteSelfAllowed() = 0;
278 virtual SDKError AskAllToUnmute() = 0;
virtual void onCoHostChangeNotification(unsigned int userId, bool isCoHost)=0
Callback event of changing the co-host.
virtual void onUserNameChanged(unsigned int userId, const wchar_t *userName)=0
Callback event of changing the screen name.
virtual SDKError ExpelUser(unsigned int userid)=0
Expel the specified user.
virtual bool IsInWaitingRoom()=0
Determine whether the user specified by the current information is in the waiting room or not...
virtual bool IsRaiseHand()=0
Determine whether the user specified by the current information raises hand or not.
Meeting waiting room controller interface.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:164
virtual AudioType GetAudioJoinType()=0
Get the audio type of the user specified by the current information when joins the meeting...
virtual SDKError CanReclaimHost(bool &bCanReclaimHost)=0
Determine if the user has the right to reclaim the host role.
virtual bool IsInterpreter()=0
Determine whether the user specified by the current information is a interpreter or not...
virtual IUserInfo * GetUserByUserID(unsigned int userid)=0
Get the information of specified user.
Definition: zoom_sdk_def.h:288
Role of user. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:15
virtual void onHostChangeNotification(unsigned int userId)=0
Callback event of notification of the new host.
Define the audio type of the user. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
Definition: meeting_audio_interface.h:29
Status of webinar attendee. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:29
bool allow_talk
TRUE indicates that it is able to talk.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:31
virtual IList< unsigned int > * GetParticipantsList()=0
Get the list of all the panelists in the meeting.
virtual SDKError LowerAllHands()=0
Cancel all hands raised.
virtual bool IsClosedCaptionSender()=0
Determine whether the user corresponding to the current information is the sender of Closed Caption o...
SDK error types. Here are more detailed structural descriptions.
Definition: zoom_sdk_def.h:29
virtual SDKError RevokeCoHost(unsigned int userid)=0
Get back the co-host role from the specified user.
virtual SDKError ReclaimHost()=0
Reclaim the role of the host.
virtual SDKError LowerHand(unsigned int userid)=0
Cancel the hands raised of specified user.
virtual unsigned int GetUserID()=0
Get the user ID matched with the current user information.
For initialization.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:17
virtual bool IsTalking()=0
Determine whether the user specified by the current information is talking or not.
virtual bool IsH323User()=0
Determine whether the user specified by the current information is H323 user or not.
virtual void onLowOrRaiseHandStatusChanged(bool bLow, unsigned int userid)=0
Callback event of changing the state of the hand.
Host role in breakout room.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:21
virtual SDKError CanbeCohost(unsigned int userid)=0
Determine if it is able to change the specified user role as the co-host.
virtual UserRole GetUserRole()=0
Get the type of role of the user specified by the current information.
virtual SDKError AssignCoHost(unsigned int userid)=0
Set the specified user as the co-host.
Role of the host.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:18
virtual SDKError RaiseHand()=0
Raise hands in the meeting.
virtual bool IsPurePhoneUser()=0
Determine whether the user corresponding to the current information joins the meeting by telephone or...
virtual bool IsHost()=0
Determine whether the member corresponding with the current information is the host or not...
virtual void onUserJoin(IList< unsigned int > *lstUserID, const wchar_t *strUserList=NULL)=0
Callback event of notification of users who are in the meeting.
virtual SDKError MakeHost(unsigned int userid)=0
Set the specified user as the host.
virtual const wchar_t * GetUserName()=0
Get the username matched with the current user information.
virtual bool IsAudioMuted()=0
Determine the audio status of the user specified by the current information.
virtual const wchar_t * GetInterpreterActiveLanguage()=0
Get the active language, if the user is a interpreter.
Role of co-host.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:19
virtual SDKError ChangeUserName(const unsigned int userid, const wchar_t *userName, bool bSaveUserName)=0
Change the screen name of specified user. Only the host or co-host can change the others' name...
Role of attendee.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:22
virtual int GetAudioVoiceLevel()=0
Get the Mic level of the user corresponding to the current information.
virtual void onUserLeft(IList< unsigned int > *lstUserID, const wchar_t *strUserList=NULL)=0
Callback event of notification of user who leaves the meeting.
virtual bool IsVideoOn()=0
Determine the video status of the user specified by the current information.
User information interface.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:40
virtual const wchar_t * GetParticipantID()=0
Get the participant ID matched with the current user information. If you assign a participant ID for ...
virtual SDKError SetEvent(IMeetingParticipantsCtrlEvent *pEvent)=0
Set the participants controller callback event handler.
virtual WebinarAttendeeStatus * GetWebinarAttendeeStauts()=0
Get the webinar status of the user specified by the current information.
virtual SDKError ReclaimHostByHostKey(const wchar_t *host_key)=0
Reclaim role of host via host_key.
Meeting Participants Controller Callback Event.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:129
virtual bool IsMySelf()=0
Determine whether the current information corresponds to the user himself or not. ...
Role of the panelist, valid only in webinar.
Definition: meeting_participants_ctrl_interface.h:20