Type Alias SendChatbotMessagesRequestBody

SendChatbotMessagesRequestBody: {
    account_id?: string;
    content: CardContent;
    is_markdown_support?: boolean;
    robot_jid: string;
    to_jid: string;
    user_jid: string;
    visible_to_user?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optionalaccount_id?: string

    The authorized account's account ID.

  • content: CardContent
  • Optionalis_markdown_support?: boolean
  • robot_jid: string

    The Bot JID. You can find this value in the Feature tab's Chat Subscription section of your Marketplace Chatbot app.

  • to_jid: string

    The JID of the group channel or user to whom the message was sent.

  • user_jid: string

    The JID of the user on whose behalf the message is being sent. This is used to prevent members of a channel from getting notifications that were set up by a user who has left the channel.

  • Optionalvisible_to_user?: string

    The user ID of the user who will receive Chatbot messages in the group channel. Only this user will see the Chatbot's messages.