1 //
2 // ZoomSDKMeetingConfiguration.h
3 // ZoomSDK
4 //
5 // Created by TOTTI on 8/4/17.
6 // Copyright © 2017 Zoom Video Communications,Inc. All rights reserved.
7 //
8 #import "ZoomSDKErrors.h"
9 @interface ZoomSDKMeetingConfiguration :NSObject
10 {
11  //The APP to be shared.
12  CGDirectDisplayID _displayAppID;
13  //The monitor ID.
14  CGDirectDisplayID _monitorID;
15  //The location of float video.
16  NSPoint _floatVideoPoint;
17  //The visibility of toolbar when sharing.
18  BOOL _shareToolBarVisible;
19  //The visibility of main toolbar in the meeting. not support since version 4.4
20  BOOL _mainToolBarVisible;
21  //The location of main interface of meeting.
22  NSPoint _mainVideoPoint;
23  //The visibility of the window of waiting for the host.
24  BOOL _jbhWindowVisible;
25  //Attendees join the meeting with audio muted.
26  BOOL _enableMuteOnEntry;
27  //Play chime when user joins/leaves meeting
28  BOOL _enableChime;
29  //Query whether to share screen or not.
30  BOOL _isDirectShareDesktop;
31  //Enable auto-adjust the speaker volume when joining meeting.
32  BOOL _enableAutoAdjustSpeakerVolume;
33  //Enable auto-adjust the microphone volume.
34  BOOL _enableAutoAdjustMicVolume;
35  //Hide the meeting information on main window. Do not support since version 4.6
36  BOOL _hideMainWindowMeetingInfo;
37  //The meeting ID customized by user and it is displayed on the title bar of meeting. Do not support since version 4.6
38  unsigned int _newMeetingID;
39  //Hide the prompt dialog of wrong password.
40  BOOL _disablePopupWrongPasswordWindow;
41  //Auto-adjust speaker volume when joining meeting.
42  BOOL _autoAdjustSpeakerVolumeWhenJoinAudio;
43  //Auto adjust microphone volume when joining meeting.
44  BOOL _autoAdjustMicVolumeWhenJoinAudio;
45  //Disable the alert to end another ongoing meeting.
46  BOOL _disableEndOtherMeetingAlert;
47  //Disable the prompt dialog to input password.
48  BOOL _disableInputPasswordWindow;
49  //Disable the feature to enter full screen by double click.
50  BOOL _disableDoubleClickToFullScreen;
51  //Hide the window of thumbnail video.
52  BOOL _hideThumbnailVideoWindow;
53  //Huawei security APP name.
54  NSString* _securityAppName;
55  //Disable to rename in meeting
56  BOOL _disableRenameInMeeting;
57  //Disable ZOOM original actions of clicking share button.
58  BOOL _disableShareButtonClickOriginAction;
59  //Disable ZOOM original actions of clicking toolbar invite button.
60  BOOL _disableToolbarInviteButtonClickOriginAction;
61  //Input meeting information in advance when user joins webinar.
62  BOOL _needPrefillWebinarJoinInfo;
63  //Hide register webinar window when join webinar.
64  BOOL _hideRegisterWebinarInfoWindow;
65  //Hide the confirm dialog of user leaves/ends meeting.
66  BOOL _hideLeaveMeetingWindow;
67  //Disable ZOOM original actions of clicking button participants.
68  BOOL _disableParticipantButtonClickOriginAction;
69  //Hide the Full Phone Number of purely Call-in User.
70  BOOL _hideFullPhoneNumber4PureCallinUser;
71  //Hide the window of phone dialing in.
72  BOOL _hideTelephoneInAudiowWindow;
73  //Hide the window of CALL ME.
74  BOOL _hideCallMeInAudioWindow;
75  //Forbid multi-participants sharing at the same time.
76  BOOL _forceDisableMultiShare;
77  //Set whether to enable global shortcuts in configuration.not support since version 4.6.
78  BOOL _enableGlobalShortcuts;
79  //Disable custom live stream.
80  BOOL _disableCustomLiveStreamAction;
81  //Set whether to disable ZOOM original reminder action for free user.
82  BOOL _disableFreeUserOriginAction;
83  //Disable the ZOOM original notification of remaining time for meeting organized by free user.
84  BOOL _disableFreeMeetingRemainTimeNotify;
85  //Hide the h323 call in tab on invite window.
86  BOOL _hideInviteInMeetingH323CallInTab;
87  //Hide the h323 call out tab on invite window.
88  BOOL _hideInviteInMeetingH323CallOutTab;
89  //Hide meeting static warning of bad network.
90  BOOL _hideMeetingStaticBadNetWorkWaring;
91  //Hide meeting static warning of system busy.
92  BOOL _hideMeetingStaticSystemBusyWaring;
93  //Hide switch camera button when sharing camera.
94  BOOL _hideSwitchCameraButton;
95  //Disable opening recording file when meeting end.
96  BOOL _disableOpenRecordFileWhenMeetingEnd;
97  //Hide 'show keypad' button on meeting window.
98  BOOL _hideShowKeypadButton;
99  //Hide copy URL button when invite others join meeting
100  BOOL _hideCopyURLButtonWhenInviteOthers;
101  //Hide copy Invitation button when invite others join meeting
102  BOOL _hideCopyInvitationButtonWhenInviteOthers;
103  //Hide chat menu item in-meeting.
104  BOOL _hideChatItemInMeeting;
105  //Hide remote control item on more menu.
106  BOOL _hideRemoteControlItemOnMoreMenu;
107  //Hide choose save recording file path window.
108  BOOL _hideChooseSaveRecordingFilePathWindow;
109  //Disable ZOOM original actions of clicking Audio button.
110  BOOL _disableAudioButtonClickOriginAction;
111  //Disable audio menu item original action in-meeting.
112  BOOL _disableAudioSettingMenuButtonClickOriginAction;
113  //Hide loading window when start meeting without login.
114  BOOL _hideLoadingWindow;
115  //Disable ZOOM original actions of clicking button Breakout Rooms.
116  BOOL _disableBreakoutRoomsButtonClickOriginAction;
117  //Hide meeting info button on video UI.
118  BOOL _hideMeetingInfoButtonOnVideo;
119  //hide invited button on participants window.
120  BOOL _hideInvitButtonOnHCWindow;
121  //Disable ZOOM original actions of clicking toolbar Leave button.
122  BOOL _disableToolbarLeaveButtonClickOriginAction;
123  //Disable ZOOM original actions of clicking toolbar CloseCaption button.
124  BOOL _disableToolbarCloseCaptionButtonClickOriginAction;
125 }
126 @property(nonatomic, assign)CGDirectDisplayID displayAppID;
127 @property(nonatomic, assign)CGDirectDisplayID monitorID;
128 @property(nonatomic, assign)NSPoint floatVideoPoint;
129 @property(nonatomic, assign)NSPoint mainVideoPoint;
130 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL shareToolBarVisible;
131 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL jbhWindowVisible;
132 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL enableMuteOnEntry;
133 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL isDirectShareDesktop;
134 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL enableChime;
135 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL mainToolBarVisible;
136 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideMainWindowMeetingInfo;
137 @property(nonatomic, assign)unsigned int newMeetingID;
138 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disablePopupWrongPasswordWindow;
139 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL autoAdjustSpeakerVolumeWhenJoinAudio;
140 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL autoAdjustMicVolumeWhenJoinAudio;
141 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableEndOtherMeetingAlert;
142 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableInputPasswordWindow;
143 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableDoubleClickToFullScreen;
144 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideThumbnailVideoWindow;
145 @property(nonatomic, retain)NSString* securityAppName;
146 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableRenameInMeeting;
147 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableShareButtonClickOriginAction;
148 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableToolbarInviteButtonClickOriginAction;
149 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL needPrefillWebinarJoinInfo;
150 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideRegisterWebinarInfoWindow;
151 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideLeaveMeetingWindow;
152 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableParticipantButtonClickOriginAction;
153 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideFullPhoneNumber4PureCallinUser;
154 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideTelephoneInAudiowWindow;
155 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideCallMeInAudioWindow;
156 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL forceDisableMultiShare;
157 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL enableGlobalShortcuts;
158 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableCustomLiveStreamAction;
159 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableFreeUserOriginAction;
160 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableFreeMeetingRemainTimeNotify;
161 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideInviteInMeetingH323CallInTab;
162 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideInviteInMeetingH323CallOutTab;
163 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideMeetingStaticBadNetWorkWaring;
164 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideMeetingStaticSystemBusyWaring;
165 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideSwitchCameraButton;
166 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableOpenRecordFileWhenMeetingEnd;
167 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideShowKeypadButton;
168 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideCopyURLButtonWhenInviteOthers;
169 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideCopyInvitationButtonWhenInviteOthers;
170 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideChatItemInMeeting;
171 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideRemoteControlItemOnMoreMenu;
172 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideChooseSaveRecordingFilePathWindow;
173 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableAudioButtonClickOriginAction;
174 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableAudioSettingMenuButtonClickOriginAction;
175 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideLoadingWindow;
176 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableBreakoutRoomsButtonClickOriginAction;
177 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideMeetingInfoButtonOnVideo;
178 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL hideInvitButtonOnHCWindow;
179 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableToolbarLeaveButtonClickOriginAction;
180 @property(nonatomic, assign)BOOL disableToolbarCloseCaptionButtonClickOriginAction;
182 - (ZoomSDKError)prefillWebinarUserName:(NSString*)userName Email:(NSString*)email;
183 - (ZoomSDKError)hideSDKButtons:(BOOL)hide ButtonType:(SDKButton)button;
191 - (ZoomSDKError)modifyWindowTitle:(BOOL)modify NewMeetingNum:(unsigned int)meetingnumber NS_DEPRECATED_MAC(1.0, 4.6);
199 - (ZoomSDKError)modifyVideoDSCP:(int)videoDSCP AudioDSCP:(int)audioDSCP;
204 - (void)reset;
211 -(BOOL)disableConfidentialWatermark:(BOOL)disable;
212 @end
Definition: ZoomSDKMeetingConfiguration.h:10